Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Almazan, E.R.; Affolder, A.; Dyckes, I.; Fadeyev, V.; Hance, M. et al. (2024). Characterizing novel Indium Phosphide pad detectors with focused X-ray beams and laboratory tests. Journal of Instrumentation 19(11) , P11016. 10.1088/1748-0221/19/11/p11016. BIOXAS-IMAGING Materials
Budimir, Filip; Ptacek, Carol J.; Amos, Richard T.; Blowes, David W. (2024). Chromium isotope fractionation during the removal of hexavalent chromium by oak-based biochar. Chemosphere 369, 143880. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.143880. BIOXAS-IMAGING Materials