Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Schoepfer, Valerie A.; Jamieson, Heather E.; Lindsay, Matthew B.J. (2024). Arsenic mineral and compound data as analyzed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Data in Brief 55, 110634. 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110634. BIOXAS-MAIN, BXDS-WHE, CMCF-BM Environment
Lum, Jullieta E.; Schoepfer, Valerie A.; Jamieson, Heather E.; McBeth, Joyce M.; Radková, Anežka Borčinová et al. (2023). Arsenic and antimony geochemistry of historical roaster waste from the Giant Mine, Yellowknife, Canada. Journal of Hazardous Materials 458, 132037. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132037. BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SIDE, CMCF-BM Environment
Schoepfer, Valerie A.; Lindsay, Matthew B.J. (2022). Repartitioning of co-precipitated Mo(VI) during Fe(II) and S(-II) driven ferrihydrite transformation. Chemical Geology 610, 121075. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121075. BIOXAS-MAIN, CMCF-BM, SXRMB Environment
Schoepfer, Valerie A.; Lindsay, Matthew B.J. (2022). X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction data for molybdenum minerals and compounds. Data in Brief 45, 108576. 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108576. BIOXAS-MAIN, CMCF-BM, SXRMB Environment
Schoepfer, Valerie A.; Lum, Jullieta E.; Lindsay, Matthew B. J. (2021). Molybdenum(VI) Sequestration Mechanisms During Iron(II)-Induced Ferrihydrite Transformation. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 5(8) , 2094-2104. 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00152. BIOXAS-MAIN, CMCF-BM Environment