Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Bassey, B.; Mercedes, M.; Samadi, N.; Belev, G.; Karanfil, C. et al. (2015). Multiple Energy Synchrotron Biomedical Imaging System- Preliminary Results. IFMBE Proceedings , 248-251. 10.1007/978-3-319-19387-8_60. BMIT-BM Materials
Belev, G.; Miller, D.; Samadi, N.; Webb, M. A.; Wysokinski, T. W. et al. (2015). 4 Years of X-ray Imaging at 05B1-1 Beamline at BMIT. IFMBE Proceedings , 162-165. 10.1007/978-3-319-19387-8_39. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Materials
Boire, S; Zhu, Y; Belev, G; Samadi, N; Szyszkowski, W et al. (2013). A novel beam width doubling double crystal monochromator -some preliminary findings. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 425(5) , 052010. 10.1088/1742-6596/425/5/052010. BMIT-BM Materials
Bolibruch; N.I.; Vogt; J.M.; Igarashi et al. (2011). Photodiode Calibration using an Electrical Substitution Radiometer in the Hard X-Ray Region. In Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators. Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW). , 500-502 BMIT-BM, HXMA Materials
Bree; Michael; Miller; Denise; Kerr et al. (2016). Alignment and position visualization methods for the biomedical imaging and therapy (BMIT) MRT lift. In AIP Conference Proceeding. . , 030023-1 – 030023-4 10.1063/1.4952846. BMIT-ID Materials
Chevalier; S.; Banerjee; R.; Lee et al. (2016). In situ liquid water visualization in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells with high resolution synchrotron x-ray radiography. In AIP Conference Proceedings. . , 050006-1 – 050006-4 10.1063/1.4952926. BMIT-BM Materials
Dydula; Christopher; Belev; George; Johns et al. (2017). Accelerated x-ray scatter projection imaging using multiple continuously moving pencil beams. In Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. . , 101324J 10.1117/12.2253720. BMIT-ID Materials
Linda Lin; Tomasz Wysokinski (2017). CLSI BMIT's Super-Conducting Wiggler Cryogenic Safety Improvements. . BMIT-ID Materials
Liu; Dong; Maxwell; Dylan; Matias et al. (2012). Web applications for experimental control at CLS. In 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on E-Science. . , 6404470 10.1109/escience.2012.6404470. BMIT Materials
Miller, C Denise; Wysokinski, Tomasz W; Belev, George; Chapman, L Dean (2013). Human factors design for the BMIT biomedical beamlines. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 425(2) , 022005. 10.1088/1742-6596/425/2/022005. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Materials
Qi; Peng; Shi; Xianbo; Samadi et al. (2019). Focusing and energy dispersion properties of a cylindrically bent asymmetric Laue crystal. SPIE, 2019. 10.1117/12.2525449. BMIT-BM Materials
Rahman, K M Mostafijur; Szpunar, Jerzy; Belev, George (2013). In Situ 3D Synchrotron Imaging of Failure Processes in Engineering Materials. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 425(13) , 132004. 10.1088/1742-6596/425/13/132004. BMIT-BM Materials
Rhoades, Glendon; Belev, George; Rosenberg, Alan; Chapman, Dean (2013). A Novel Analyzer Control System for Diffraction Enhanced Imaging. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 425(2) , 022003. 10.1088/1742-6596/425/2/022003. BMIT-BM Materials
Samadi; Nazanin; Martinson; Mercedes; Bassey et al. (2016). An energy dispersive bent Laue monochromator for K-edge subtraction imaging. In AIP Conference Proceedings. . , 040004-1 – 040004-4 10.1063/1.4952876. BMIT-BM Materials
Samadi; N.; Dallin; L.; Chapman et al. (2019). A vertical phase space beam position and emittance monitor for synchrotron radiation. In 7 th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf., IBIC2018, Shanghai, China. JACoW Publishing. , 186-189 10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2018-TUOB04. BMIT-BM Materials