Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Challa P; Hinebaugh J; Bazylak AA (2011). Comparison of Water Thickness Profiles of Compressed PEMFC GDLs. In ASME. International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. . , 121-126 10.1115/FuelCell2011-54340. BMIT-BM Materials
Hinebaugh, James; Lee, Jongmin; Bazylak, Aimy (2013). Visualizing Liquid Water Evolution in a PEM Fuel Cell Using Synchrotron Radiography. ECS Transactions 50(2) , 343-352. 10.1149/05002.0343ecst. BMIT-BM Materials
Anderson, D; McEwen, M; Shen, H; Siegbahn, EA; Fallone, BG et al. (2014). Poster - Thur Eve - 24: Commissioning and preliminary measurements using an Attix-style free air ionization chamber for air kerma measurements on the BioMedical Imaging and Therapy beamlines at the Canadian Light Source. Medical Physics 41(8Part2) , 11. 10.1118/1.4894880. BMIT-BM Materials
Lee, Jongmin; Yip, Ronnie; Antonacci, Patrick; Ge, Nan; Kotaka, Toshikazu et al. (2014). Impact of MPL Thickness on Water Management of PEMFC by Synchrotron X-ray Radiography. ECS Transactions 61(12) , 69-81. 10.1149/06112.0069ecst. BMIT-BM Materials
Antonacci, Patrick; Lee, Jongmin; Yip, Ronnie; Ge, Nan; Tabuchi, Yuichiro et al. (2014). Identifying Water Thickness in Various Layers in PEMFCs through EIS and X-ray Radiography. ECS Transactions 61(12) , 57-67. 10.1149/06112.0057ecst. BMIT-BM Materials
Yip, Ronnie; Lee, Jongmin; Hinebaugh, James; Fishman, Zachary; Ellis, Jonathan S. et al. (2014). (Plenary) Advanced Visualization Tools to Investigate PEM Fuel Cell Materials. ECS Transactions 64(3) , 27-45. 10.1149/06403.0027ecst. BMIT-BM Materials
Danielle Anderson (2015). Dosimetry and Biological Studies for Microbeam Radiation Therapy at the Canadian Light Source. Supervisor: Warkentin, Brad; Siegbahn, Albert; Fallone, B. Gino. Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta. BMIT-BM Materials
Abdullah Chisti (2013). Texture Analysis of Diffraction Enhanced Synchrotron Images of Trabecular Bone at the Wrist. Supervisor: Eramian, Mark; Cooper, David. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials
Zangen Zhu (2013). Improved compressed sensing algorithm for sparse-view CT. Supervisor: Wahid, khan; Babyn, Paul. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials
Rahman; K M Mostafijur (2013). In-situ 3D imaging of structure and failure of materials using synchrotron radiation tomography. Supervisor: Szpunar, Jerzy A. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials
Nazanin Samadi (2015). A Phase Space Beam Position Monitor for Synchrotron Radiation. Supervisor: Chapman, Dean. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials
Hinebaugh, J.; Lee, J.; Mascarenhas, C.; Bazylak, A. (2015). Quantifying Percolation Events in PEM Fuel Cell Using Synchrotron Radiography. Electrochimica Acta 184, 417-426. 10.1016/j.electacta.2015.09.058. BMIT-BM Materials
Antonacci, P.; Chevalier, S.; Lee, J.; Yip, R.; Ge, N. et al. (2015). Feasibility of combining electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray radiography for determining the influence of liquid water on polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40(46) , 16494-16502. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.10.008. BMIT-BM Materials
Lee, J.; Yip, R.; Antonacci, P.; Ge, N.; Kotaka, T. et al. (2015). Synchrotron Investigation of Microporous Layer Thickness on Liquid Water Distribution in a PEM Fuel Cell. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 162(7) , F669-F676. 10.1149/2.0221507jes. BMIT-BM Materials
Landheer; Karl; Johns; Paul C. (2012). Coherent x-ray scatter projection imaging using an array of monoenergetic pencil beams. In Proceeding SPIE. . , 83581O 10.1117/12.918666. BMIT-BM Materials