Abdelrasoul, Amira; Westphalen, Heloisa; Kalugin, Denis; Doan, Huu; Shoker, Ahmed et al. (2023). In situ synchrotron quantitative analysis of competitive adsorption tendency of human serum protein to different clinical hemodialysis membranes and assessment of potential impacts. Biomedical Engineering Advances 6, 100104. 10.1016/j.bea.2023.100104. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
Health |
Bairagi, Suranjan; Abdollahifar, Mohammad-Amin; Atake, Oghenevwogaga J.; Dust, William; Wiebe, Sheldon et al. (2023). MRI overestimates articular cartilage thickness and volume compared to synchrotron radiation phase-contrast imaging. PLoS ONE 18(10) , e0291757. 10.1371/journal.pone.0291757. |
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Health |
Cooper, David M.L.; Harrison, Kim D.; Hiebert, Beverly D.; King, Gavin A.; Panahifar, Arash et al. (2023). Daily administration of parathyroid hormone slows the progression of basic multicellular units in the cortical bone of the rabbit distal tibia. Bone 176, 116864. 10.1016/j.bone.2023.116864. |
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Health |
Duan, Xiaoman; Ding, Xiao Fan; Li, Naitao; Wu, Fang-Xiang; Chen, Xiongbiao et al. (2023). Sparse2Noise: Low-dose synchrotron X-ray tomography without high-quality reference data. Computers in Biology and Medicine 165, 107473. 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2023.107473. |
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Materials |
Indore, Navnath S.; Jayas, Digvir S.; Karunakaran, Chithra; Stobbs, Jarvis; Bondici, Viorica F. et al. (2023). Study of Microstructural, Nutritional, and Biochemical Changes in Hulled and Hulless Barley during Storage Using X-ray and Infrared Techniques. Foods 12(21) , 3935. 10.3390/foods12213935. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
Agriculture |
Li, Weihan; Quirk, James A.; Li, Minsi; Xia, Wei; Morgan, Lucy M. et al. (2023). Precise Tailoring of Lithium‐Ion Transport for Ultralong‐Cycling Dendrite‐Free All‐Solid‐State Lithium Metal Batteries. Advanced Materials . 10.1002/adma.202302647. |
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Wen, Guobin; Ren, Bohua; Yang, Xinyu; Chen, Yiming; Tan, Lichao et al. (2023). Electrocatalytic Upgrade of Impure CO2 by In Situ-Reconstructed Cu Catalysts with Gas Exsolution Electrolyzers. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research . 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c00817. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
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Yang, Leixin; Ma, Qianyi; Yin, Yuelong; Luo, Dan; Shen, Yujie et al. (2023). Construction of desolvated ionic COF artificial SEI layer stabilized Zn metal anode by in-situ electrophoretic deposition. Nano Energy 117, 108799. 10.1016/j.nanoen.2023.108799. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
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Naitao Li (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF MECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION METHOD OF HYDROGEL SCAFFOLDS USING SYNCHROTRON PROPAGATIONBASED IMAGING. Supervisor: Chen, Daniel; Zhu, Ning. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. https://harvest.usask.ca/handle/10388/15178. |
Masters Thesis |
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El Gamal, Islam Mohamed Medhat (2023). A Novel Metrology Standard for Synchrotron Produced Monochromatic X-ray Beams. Supervisor: McEwen, Malcolm R.. Ontario, Canada: Carleton University. https://repository.library.carleton.ca/concern/etds/mw22v685r?locale=en. |
Doctoral Thesis |
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