Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Chenglin Liu (2015). Synchrotron-Based Imaging and Tomography of Hydrogel Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering. Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan. . BMIT-BM
Martin F.; Niestroj (2016). A method for evaluating the role of gold nanoparticles in monochromatic x-ray studies. Supervisor: Hormes, Josef; Linden, Stefan. Germany: Universität Bonn. BMIT-BM Agriculture
Muhammad Raj (2015). Using the jawed yet toothless Trp63 mouse mutant to understand the morphogenetic relationship between developing lower teeth and mandibles. Supervisor: Boughner, Julia. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Agriculture
Glendon Rhoades (2015). Development of diffraction enhanced computed tomography for imaging joints. Supervisor: Chapman, Dean; Rosenberg, Alan M.. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Health
Jorgenson; Britta (2014). Cortical Porosity in Bone. Supervisor: Boyd, Steven. Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary. BMIT-BM Health
Wilson; Sian Caroline (2014). Osseous skull development of Ambystoma macrodactylum krausei from post-hatching through metamorphosis. Supervisor: Anderson, Jason; Hallgrimsson, Benedikt. Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary. BMIT-BM Health
Balakrishnan; Manojkumar (2019). Tailored Electrospun Gas Diffusion Layers for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells: Design and Durability. Supervisor: Bazylak, Aimy. Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto. BMIT-BM Materials
Daniel Cardenas (2017). Elemental Mapping Of Bone Strontium In Rats Treated With Strontium Ranelate And Strontium Citrate Using 2D Micro-XRF And 3D Dual Energy K-Edge Subtraction X-Ray Imaging. Supervisor: Pejović-Milić, Ana. Ontario, Canada: Ryerson University. BMIT-BM Materials
Andrew Wong (2018). Designing microporous layers for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells: pore network modelling and fabrication. Supervisor: Bazylak, Aimy. Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto. BMIT-BM Materials
Douglas Campbell (2018). Pilot Study for Examination of Injection Site Trauma and Injection Material Pathway Imaging through a Human Analog System. Supervisor: Chapman, Dean; McKay, William. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials
Nazanin Samadi (2015). A Phase Space Beam Position Monitor for Synchrotron Radiation. Supervisor: Chapman, Dean. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials
Shrestha; Pranay (2018). Custom Microporous Layers for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. Supervisor: Bazylak, Aimy. Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto. BMIT-BM Materials
George; Michael Gerald (2016). X-ray-based Imaging for Characterizing Heterogeneous Gas Diffusion Layers for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. Supervisor: Bazylak, Aimy. Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto. BMIT-BM Materials
Keith; Jay D. (2017). Realization of a Canine Positioning Device for in Situ Prostate Phase Contrast - Computed Tomography Imaging. Supervisor: Pettitt, Murray; Snead, Elisabeth. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Materials
Paria Rahimian (2017). Using Synchrotron Based X-Ray Imaging Technique to Understand Liquid Water Transport Phenomena in Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells. Supervisor: Lifeng Zhang. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM Materials