Chen, Haoxiu; Patel, Sagar; Vlasea, Mihaela; Zou, Yu (2022). Enhanced tensile ductility of an additively manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy by reducing the density of melt pool boundaries. Scripta Materialia 221, 114954. 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2022.114954. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
Materials |
Harrison, Kim D; Sales, Erika; Hiebert, Beverly D; Panahifar, Arash; Zhu, Ning et al. (2022). Direct Assessment of Rabbit Cortical Bone Basic Multicellular Unit Longitudinal Erosion Rate: A
Synchrotron‐Based Approach. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 37(11) , 2244-2258. 10.1002/jbmr.4700. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
Health |
Li, Hao; Agrawal, Sumit; Rohani, Seyed Alireza; Zhu, Ning; Cacciabue, Daniela I. et al. (2022). Unlocking the human inner ear for therapeutic intervention. Scientific Reports 12, 18508. 10.1038/s41598-022-22203-2. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
Health |
MacIver, Michael R.; Pawlik, Marek (2022). A floc structure perspective on sediment consolidation in thickened tailings. Chemical Engineering Science 263, 118095. 10.1016/j.ces.2022.118095. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
Materials |
Plá, GibránSaúl Rueda; Maghami, Mahboobeh; Doan, Huu; Zhu, Ning; Abdelrasoul, Amira et al. (2022). Investigation on the morphology and the permeability of biomimetic cellulose triacetate (CTA) impregnated membranes (IM): In-situ synchrotron imaging, experimental and computational studies. Materials Chemistry and Physics 292, 126755. 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2022.126755. |
Peer-Reviewed Article |
Agriculture |
Michael Ryan MacIver (2022). Composition and Structure in Flocculated Mineral Systems. Supervisor: Pawlik, Marek. British Columbia, Canada: The University of British Columbia. |
Doctoral Thesis |
Materials |