Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Grochulski, Pawel; Fodje, Michel; Labiuk, Shaun; Wysokinski, Tomasz W.; Belev, George et al. (2017). Review of Canadian Light Source facilities for biological applications. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 411, 17-21. 10.1016/j.nimb.2017.01.065. BIOXAS, BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID, CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID, MID-IR Health
Mollahosseini, Arash; Min Lee, Kyu; Abdelrasoul, Amira; Doan, Huu; Zhu, Ning et al. (2021). Innovative in situ investigations using synchrotron‐based micro tomography and molecular dynamics simulation for fouling assessment in ceramic membranes for dairy and food industry. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 18(6) . 10.1111/ijac.13824. BMIT, BMIT-ID Materials
Andronowski, Janna M.; Cole, Mary E. (2020). Current and emerging histomorphometric and imaging techniques for assessing age‐at‐death and cortical bone quality. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Forensic Science 3(2) , e1399. 10.1002/wfs2.1399. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Health
Andronowski, Janna M.; Cole, Mary E.; Hieronymus, Tobin L.; Davis, Reed A.; Usher, Logan R. et al. (2022). Intraskeletal consistency in patterns of vascularity within bat limb bones. Anatomical Record 305(2) , 462– 476. 10.1002/ar.24694. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Health
Andronowski, Janna M.; Davis, Reed A.; Holyoke, Caleb W. (2020). A Sectioning, Coring, and Image Processing Guide for High-Throughput Cortical Bone Sample Procurement and Analysis for Synchrotron Micro-CT. Journal of Visualized Experiments (160) , e61081. 10.3791/61081. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Health
Asai, Juhachi; Wysokinski, Tomasz W.; Smith, Sheldon; Chapman, Dean (2008). Radiological considerations for POE-1 photon shutters, collimators and beam stops of the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy beamline at the Canadian Light Source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators. Spectrometers. Detectors and Associated Equipment 585(1-2) , 1-11. 10.1016/j.nima.2007.10.049. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Materials
Battrell, Logan; Zhu, Ning; Zhang, Lifeng; Anderson, Ryan (2018). Transient, spatially resolved desaturation of gas diffusion layers measured via synchrotron visualization. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43(24) , 11234-11243. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.05.017. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Materials
Bond, Toby; Gauthier, Roby; Gasilov, Sergey; Dahn, J. R. (2022). In-Situ Computed Tomography of Particle Microcracking and Electrode Damage in Cycled NMC622/Graphite Pouch Cell Batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 169(8) , 080531. 10.1149/1945-7111/ac8a22. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Materials
Faragó, Tomáš; Gasilov, Sergey; Emslie, Iain; Zuber, Marcus; Helfen, Lukas et al. (2022). Tofu: a fast, versatile and user-friendly image processing toolkit for computed tomography. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 29(3) , 916-927. 10.1107/s160057752200282x. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Materials
Gasilov, Sergey; Webb, M. Adam; Panahifar, Arash; Zhu, Ning; Marinos, Omar et al. (2024). Hard X-ray imaging and tomography at the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy beamlines of Canadian Light Source. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 31(5) , 1346-1357. 10.1107/s1600577524005241. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Materials
Grochulski, Pawel; Fodje, Michel; Labiuk, Shaun; Wysokinski, Tomasz W.; Belev, George et al. (2017). Review of Canadian Light Source facilities for biological applications. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 411, 17-21. 10.1016/j.nimb.2017.01.065. BIOXAS, BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID, CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID, MID-IR Health
Pratt, Isaac V.; Johnston, James D.; Walker, Ernie; Cooper, David M. L. (2018). Interpreting the three-dimensional orientation of vascular canals and cross-sectional geometry of cortical bone in birds and bats. Journal of Anatomy 232(6) , 931-942. 10.1111/joa.12803. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Agriculture
Sun, Xinyang; Scanlon, Martin G.; Guillermic, Reine-Marie; Belev, George S.; Webb, M. Adam et al. (2020). The effects of sodium reduction on the gas phase of bread doughs using synchrotron X-ray microtomography. Food Research International 130, 108919. 10.1016/j.foodres.2019.108919. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Agriculture
Wiebe, Sheldon; Wysokinski, Tomasz W.; Belev, George; Miller, Denise; Webb, Adam et al. (2015). Biomedical Imaging Using Synchrotron Radiation: Experience at the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy (BMIT) Facility at the Canadian Light Source. Synchrotron Radiation News 28(5) , 16-23. 10.1080/08940886.2015.1080065. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Materials
Wysokinski, Tomasz W.; Chapman, Dean; Adams, Gregg; Renier, Michel; Suortti, Pekka et al. (2015). Beamlines of the biomedical imaging and therapy facility at the Canadian light source – part 3. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators. Spectrometers. Detectors and Associated Equipment 775, 1-4. 10.1016/j.nima.2014.11.088. BMIT-BM, BMIT-ID Health