Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Bauer, Robert P.C.; Ravichandran, Aravind; Tse, John S.; Appathurai, Narayan; King, Graham et al. (2021). In Situ X-Ray Diffraction Study on Hydrate Formation at Low Temperature in a High Vacuum. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125(48) . 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c08108. BXDS-WHE Materials
Boateng, Emmanuel; van der Zalm, Joshua; Burns, Nicholas; Chow, Darren; Kycia, Stefan et al. (2023). Tunable Electrochemical Hydrogen Uptake and Release of Nitrogen-Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Decorated with Pd Nanoparticles. ACS Applied Nano Materials 6(18) , 17311-17323. 10.1021/acsanm.3c03763. BXDS-WHE Materials
Brixi, Samantha; Radford, Chase L.; Tousignant, Mathieu N.; Peltekoff, Alexander J.; Manion, Joseph G. et al. (2022). Poly(ionic liquid) Gating Materials for High-Performance Organic Thin-Film Transistors: The Role of Block Copolymer Self-Assembly at the Semiconductor Interface. ACS applied materials & interfaces 14(35) . 10.1021/acsami.2c07912. BXDS-WLE Materials
Burns, Nicholas; Rahemtulla, Aly; Annett, Scott; Moreno, Beatriz; Kycia, Stefan et al. (2023). An inclined detector geometry for improved X-ray total scattering measurements. Journal of Applied Crystallography 56(2) , 510-518. 10.1107/s1600576723001747. BXDS-WHE Materials
Charchi Aghdam, Nazanin; Chen, Ning; Soltan, Jafar (2023). Ozonative epoxidation of ethylene: A novel process for production of ethylene oxide. Applied Catalysis A: General 661, 119239. 10.1016/j.apcata.2023.119239. BXDS-WLE, HXMA Materials
Charchi Aghdam, Nazanin; Chen, Ning; Soltan, Jafar (2023). Ozonative epoxidation of ethylene: A novel process for production of ethylene oxide. Applied Catalysis A: General 661, 119239. 10.1016/j.apcata.2023.119239. BXDS-WLE, HXMA Materials
Charoughchi, Somaiyeh; Liu, Jiang Tian; Berteau‐Rainville, Melissa; Hase, Hannes; Askari, Mohammad S. et al. (2023). Sterically‐Hindered Molecular p‐Dopants Promote Integer Charge Transfer in Organic Semiconductors. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 62(31) . 10.1002/anie.202304964. BXDS-IVU Materials
Chen, Feng-Yang; Wu, Zhen-Yu; Gupta, Srishti; Rivera, Daniel J.; Lambeets, Sten V. et al. (2022). Efficient conversion of low-concentration nitrate sources into ammonia on a Ru-dispersed Cu nanowire electrocatalyst. Nature Nanotechnology 17(7) . 10.1038/s41565-022-01121-4. BXDS-WHE, CLS-APS Materials
Chen, Feng-Yang; Wu, Zhen-Yu; Gupta, Srishti; Rivera, Daniel J.; Lambeets, Sten V. et al. (2022). Efficient conversion of low-concentration nitrate sources into ammonia on a Ru-dispersed Cu nanowire electrocatalyst. Nature Nanotechnology 17(7) . 10.1038/s41565-022-01121-4. BXDS-WHE, CLS-APS Materials
Cheng, H. Y.; Chien, W C.; Kuo, I. T.; Yang, C. H.; Chou, Y. C. et al. (2021). Optimizing AsSeGe Chalcogenides by Dopants for Extremely Low IOFF, High Endurance and Low Vth Drift 3D Crosspoint Memory. . 10.1109/iedm19574.2021.9720704. BXDS-WLE Materials
Cheng, H. Y.; Grun, A.; Chien, W C.; Yeh, C. W.; Ray, A. et al. (2022). New Phase-Change Materials by Atomic-Level Engineering the Dopants for Extremely Low Vth Drift at 85 °C and High Endurance 3D Crosspoint Memory : IBM/Macronix PCRAM Joint Project. . 10.1109/iedm45625.2022.10019562. BXDS-WLE Materials
Chen, Hao; Maxwell, Aidan; Li, Chongwen; Teale, Sam; Chen, Bin et al. (2022). Regulating surface potential maximizes voltage in all-perovskite tandems. Nature . 10.1038/s41586-022-05541-z. BXDS-WLE Materials
Cranston, Rosemary R.; Vebber, Mário C.; Faleiro Berbigier, Jônatas; Brusso, Jaclyn; Kelly, Timothy L. et al. (2022). High Performance Solution Processed n‐Type OTFTs through Surface Engineered F–F Interactions Using Asymmetric Silicon Phthalocyanines. Advanced Electronic Materials , 2200696. 10.1002/aelm.202200696. BXDS-WLE Materials
da Cruz Pinha Barbosa, Victor; Xiong, Jie; Tran, Phuong Minh; McGuire, Michael A.; Yan, Jiaqiang et al. (2022). The Impact of Structural Distortions on the Magnetism of Double Perovskites Containing 5d1 Transition-Metal Ions. Chemistry of Materials 34(3) , 1098-1109. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c03456. BXDS-WLE Materials
Dan Luo (2020). Rational Structure Design of Transition Metal Chalcogenide Multifunctional Sulfur Immobilizer for Fast and Durable Li-S Performance. Supervisor: Zhongwei Chen. Ontario: University of waterloo. BIOXAS-SIDE, BXDS-WLE, SM, SXRMB, VESPERS Materials