Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Bartokova, Bibiana; Marangoni, Alejandro G.; Laredo, Thamara; Stobbs, Jarvis; Meszaros, Peter et al. (2023). Effect of hydrogen bonding on the mixing behaviour of ternary aqueous mixtures. Journal of Molecular Liquids 383, 122124. 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.122124. BXDS-WLE Environment
Zhang, Ning; Yu, Haifeng; Murphy, Aidan; Garayt, Matthew; Yu, Svena et al. (2023). A Liquid and Waste-free Method for Preparing Single Crystal Positive Electrode Materials for Li-ion Batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 170(7) , 070515. 10.1149/1945-7111/ace4f7. BXDS-WLE Materials