Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Korbas, Malgorzata; Lai, Barry; Vogt, Stefan; Gleber, Sophie-Charlotte; Karunakaran, Chithra et al. (2013). Methylmercury Targets Photoreceptor Outer Segments. ACS Chemical Biology 8(10) , 2256-2263. 10.1021/cb4004805. CLS-APS, SM Agriculture
Roy, Poulami; Jahromi, Hossein; Adhikari, Sushil; Zou Finfrock, Y.; Rahman, Tawsif et al. (2022). Performance of biochar assisted catalysts during hydroprocessing of non-edible vegetable oil: Effect of transition metal source on catalytic activity. Energy Conversion and Management 252, 115131. 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.115131. CLS-APS Agriculture
Simpson, Rachel; Varney, Tamara L.; Coulthard, Ian; Swanston, Treena; Grimes, Vaughan et al. (2021). Insights into biogenic and diagenetic lead exposure in experimentally altered modern and archaeological bone: Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence imaging. Science of the Total Environment 790, 148144. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148144. CLS-APS Agriculture
Pushie, M. Jake; Pickering, Ingrid J.; Korbas, Malgorzata; Hackett, Mark J.; George, Graham N. et al. (2014). Elemental and Chemically Specific X-ray Fluorescence Imaging of Biological Systems. Chemical Reviews 114(17) , 8499-8541. 10.1021/cr4007297. CLS-APS Agriculture
Forand, Ariana D.; Finfrock, Y. Zou; Lavier, Miranda; Stobbs, Jarvis; Qin, Li et al. (2022). With a Little Help from My Cell Wall: Structural Modifications in Pectin May Play a Role to Overcome Both Dehydration Stress and Fungal Pathogens. Plants 11(3) , 385. 10.3390/plants11030385. CLS-APS Agriculture
Jalilehvand, Farideh; Enriquez Garcia, Alejandra; Niksirat, Pantea; Finfrock, Y. Zou; Gelfand, Benjamin S. et al. (2021). Binding of histidine and human serum albumin to dirhodium(II) tetraacetate. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 224, 111556. 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2021.111556. CLS-APS Agriculture
Jamwal, Ankur; Saibu, Yusuf; MacDonald, Tracy C; George, Graham N; Niyogi, Som et al. (2019). The effects of dietary selenomethionine on tissue-specific accumulation and toxicity of dietary arsenite in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during chronic exposure. Metallomics 11(3) , 643-655. 10.1039/c8mt00309b. CLS-APS Agriculture
Dolgova, Natalia V; Nehzati, Susan; MacDonald, Tracy C; Summers, Kelly L; Crawford, Andrew M et al. (2019). Disruption of selenium transport and function is a major contributor to mercury toxicity in zebrafish larvae. Metallomics 11(3) . 10.1039/c8mt00315g. CLS-APS Agriculture
Swanston, Treena; Varney, Tamara L.; Kozachuk, Madalena; Choudhury, Sanjukta; Bewer, Brian et al. (2018). Franklin expedition lead exposure: New insights from high resolution confocal x-ray fluorescence imaging of skeletal microstructure. PLoS ONE 13(8) , e0202983. 10.1371/journal.pone.0202983. CLS-APS Agriculture
Dolgova, Natalia V.; Nehzati, Susan; Choudhury, Sanjukta; MacDonald, Tracy C.; Regnier, Nathan R. et al. (2018). X-ray spectroscopy and imaging of selenium in living systems. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects 1862(11) . 10.1016/j.bbagen.2018.04.024. CLS-APS Agriculture