Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Dongniu Wang (2013). Na nostructured Tin-Based Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries with X -Ray Absorption Fine Structure Studies. Ontario, Canada: University of Western Ontario. CLS-APS, SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM
Liu, L. (2012). X-Ray absorption fine structure and X-ray excited optical luminescence studies of one-dimensional nanomaterials. Canada, ON: University of Western Ontario. . CLS-APS, SGM, VLS-PGM
Blanchard, P.E.R. (2011). Examining the Electronic Structure of Metal Pnictides via X-ray Spectroscopy. Canada, AB: University of Alberta. . CLS-APS, HXMA, SGM, VESPERS, VLS-PGM
John Hayes (2016). Analysis of nuclear fuel cycle materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Supervisor: Andrew Grosvenor. SK, CA: University of Saskatchwan. CLS-APS, HXMA, SXRMB, VESPERS
Blanchard, P.E.R. (2011). Examining the Electronic Structure of Metal Pnictides via X-ray Spectroscopy. Canada, AB: University of Alberta. . CLS-APS, HXMA, SGM, VESPERS, VLS-PGM
Daniel M. Chevrier (2016). Studies on the Structural and Electronic Properties of Thiolate-protected Gold Nanoclusters by X-ray Spectroscopy. Nova Scotia, Canada: Dalhousie University. . CLS-APS, HXMA, SXRMB Materials
Peng Liu (2016). Stabilization of Mercury in River Water and Sediment Using Biochars. Supervisor: Carol Ptacek and David Blowes. Waterloo: University of Waterloo. CLS-APS, SXRMB
John Hayes (2016). Analysis of nuclear fuel cycle materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Supervisor: Andrew Grosvenor. SK, CA: University of Saskatchwan. CLS-APS, HXMA, SXRMB, VESPERS
44. Joseph Daniel Padmos (2015). Understanding the Structure of Silver Nanoparticles and Its Influence on Surface Reactivity. Supervisor: Zhang, Peng. NS, Canada: Dalhousie University. CLS-APS, HXMA, SXRMB
Dongniu Wang (2013). Na nostructured Tin-Based Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries with X -Ray Absorption Fine Structure Studies. Ontario, Canada: University of Western Ontario. CLS-APS, SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM
Zhang, Haiping (2015). Synthesis of highly active unsupported molybdenum sulfide catalysts for hydrosulfurization and hydrodeoxygenation. Supervisor: Zheng, Ying. NB, Canada: University of New Brunswick. CLS-APS, SXRMB
Christensen, S.L. (2013). Structure and Bonding in Thiolate-Coated Au Nanostructures. Canada, NS: Dalhousie University. . CLS-APS, SXRMB
Lobacheva, Olga (2015). Ion beam modification of strontium titanate and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. Supervisor: Goncharova, Lyudmila; Sham, T.K.. Ontario, Canada: Western University. CLS-APS, SGM Materials
Daniel Vaccarello (2016). . Fabricating and Characterizing Chalcogenide Thin Films as Light Absorbing Layers in Solar Cells. Supervisor: Zhifeng Ding. ON, CA: University of Western Ontario. CLS-APS, SGM Materials
Dongniu Wang (2013). Na nostructured Tin-Based Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries with X -Ray Absorption Fine Structure Studies. Ontario, Canada: University of Western Ontario. CLS-APS, SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM