Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Elham Paknahad (2017). Investigation of glass-ceramic composites containing CeTi2O6 and CaZrTi2O7 for immobilization of nuclear waste. Supervisor: Grosvenor, Andrew. Saskatchewan, CANADA: University of Saskatchewan. . CLS-APS, SXRMB, VLS-PGM
Walker, J.D.S. (2013). Factors Affection Cation Site Disorder in the Al1-xGaxFeO3 system. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . CLS-APS, HXMA, VLS-PGM
Liana K.T. Stammers (2016). Geochemical Constraints of the Gold Mineralization Sources from the South Mine Complex and the Main/’04 Breaks, Macassa Mine, Kirkland Lake, Ontario. Supervisor: Banerjee, Neil R.; Van Loon, Lisa L.. ON, Canada: Western University. . CLS-APS, VESPERS Environment
Katherine E. Feick (2017). An Evaluation of the Lithologies and Geochemistry of the Upper Beaver Deposit of the Kirkland Lake Area. Supervisor: Banerjee, Neil R.; Van Loon, Lisa L.. Ontario, Canada: Western University. . CLS-APS, VESPERS Environment
Hong, J.K. (2012). Jarosite Occurrences in the MIL 03346 Nakhlite: Implications for Water on Mars. Canada, AB: University of Alberta. . CLS-APS, VESPERS
Elham Paknahad (2017). Investigation of glass-ceramic composites containing CeTi2O6 and CaZrTi2O7 for immobilization of nuclear waste. Supervisor: Grosvenor, Andrew. Saskatchewan, CANADA: University of Saskatchewan. . CLS-APS, SXRMB, VLS-PGM
Hayes, J. (2012). Investigation of the Effect of Transition Metal Substitution on the Pre-edge of X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectra. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . CLS-APS, HXMA, SGM, SXRMB
Cormier, Z. (2011). Inducing and Characterizing Structural Changes in RuO2.xH2O. Canada, ON: Dalhousie University. . CLS-APS, SXRMB Materials
Hayes, J. (2012). Investigation of the Effect of Transition Metal Substitution on the Pre-edge of X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectra. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . CLS-APS, HXMA, SGM, SXRMB
Hayes, J. (2012). Investigation of the Effect of Transition Metal Substitution on the Pre-edge of X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectra. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . CLS-APS, HXMA, SGM, SXRMB
Walker, J.D.S. (2013). Factors Affection Cation Site Disorder in the Al1-xGaxFeO3 system. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . CLS-APS, HXMA, VLS-PGM
Marbella, Lauren Elizabeth (2016). NMR characterization of metal nanoparticle formation, structure, and performance. University of Pittsburgh. CLS-APS Materials
Bailey, Alexandra Susann (2017). Characterization of arsenic-hosting solid phases in Giant mine tailings and tailings dust. Queen’s University. CLS-APS Environment
Kong, Lingyi (2017). Zinc remediation by zero-Valent iron and the associated isotope fractionation: batch experiments. University of Waterloo. CLS-APS Materials
Naftel, Steven J (2014). Elemental Distribution in Bone Impacted by Bacterial Diseases. Supervisor: Dr. Eldon Molto. Ontario, Canada: University of Western Ontario. CLS-APS Health