Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Grochulski; P.; Fodje; M.N.; George et al. (2012). Status and Vision for Structural Biology at the Canadian Light Source. In Acta Physica Polonica A. Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland. , 866-870 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.866. BIOXAS-IMAGING, BIOXAS-MAIN, BIOXAS-SIDE, BMIT-ID, CMCF-BM, SM Agriculture
Leung, Charles (2011). Molecular basis of TopBP1 BRCT domain interactions in the DNA damage response. Supervisor: Glover, Mark. AB, Canada: University of Alberta. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Wu; Tao (2012). Structural and Functional Studies of the Core Splicing Factor Prp8. Supervisor: MacMillan, Andrew. Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Jha; Vikash Kumar (2011). Structural and functional characterization of catalase HPII of Escherichia coli. Supervisor: Loewen, Peter. Manitoba, Canada: University of Manitoba. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Aulakh; Suraaj Kaur (2012). The protein-protein interactions involved in the periplasmic components of the beta-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex of Escherichia coli. Supervisor: Paetzel, Mark. British Columbia, Canada: Simon Fraser University. . CMCF-ID Agriculture
Cherney, M.M.; Zhang, Y.; James, M.N.G.; Weiner, J.H. (2012). Crystal structure of sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase Ser126Ala variant from Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Protein Data Bank: 3sy4. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Cherney, M.M.; Zhang, Y.; James, M.N.G.; Weiner, J.H. (2012). Crystal structure of sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase Ser126Ala variant from Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans using 7.0 keV diffraction data. Protein Data Bank: 3syi. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Van Petegem, X.F.; Liu, P.X.; Lobo, P.; Jiang, X. (2012). Molecular and Structural Characterization of the SH3 Domain of AHI-1 in Regulation of Cellular Resistance of BCR-ABL+ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors. Protein Data Bank: 4esr. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Tong, Y.; Tempel, W.; Shen, L.; Shen, Y.; Nedyalkova, L. et al. (2011). Crystal structure of the TPR domain of kinesin light chain 1. Protein Data Bank: 3nf1. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Liu, Y.; Kotra, L.P.; Pai, E.F. (2011). Crystal structure of Plasmodium falciparum orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase covalently modified by 2-prime-fluoro-6-iodo-UMP. Protein Data Bank: 3mwa. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Thede, G.L.; Edwards, R.A.; Glover, J.N.M. (2011). Structure of the periplasmic stress response protein CpxP. Protein Data Bank: 3qzc. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Liu, Y.; Kotra, L.P.; Pai, E.F. (2012). Crystal structure of Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with 6-amino-UMP. Protein Data Bank: 3thq. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Dong, A.; Nair, U.B.; Wernimont, A.; Walker, J.R.; Weigelt, J. et al. (2011). The pleckstrin homology (PH) domain of USP37. Protein Data Bank: 3u12. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Bacik, J.P.; Mark, B.L. (2012). Crystal structure of Salmonella typhimurium family 3 glycoside hydrolase (NagZ) covalently bound to 5-fluoro-GlcNAc.. Protein Data Bank: 4gvh. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Cappadocia, L.; Brisson, N.; Sygusch, J. (2011). Crystal Structure of StWhy2 K67A (form I). Protein Data Bank: 3r9y. CMCF-ID Agriculture