Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Zhang, X.; Paetzel, M. (2013). Crystal structure of the amino-terminal domain of human cardiac troponin C mutant D2N/V28I/L29Q/G30D (NIQD) in complex with cadmium.. Protein Data Bank: 4gjg. CMCF-ID Health
Zhang, X.; Paetzel, M. (2013). Crystal structure of the refolded amino-terminal domain of human cardiac troponin C in complex with cadmium. Protein Data Bank: 4gje. CMCF-BM Health
Zhu, Xueyong; Yu, Wenli; McBride, Ryan; Li, Yan; Chen, Li-Mei et al. (2013). Hemagglutinin homologue from H17N10 bat influenza virus exhibits divergent receptor-binding and pH-dependent fusion activities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110(4) , 1458-1463. 10.1073/pnas.1218509110. [PDB: 4i78] CMCF-ID Health