Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Gorelik, Alexei; Liu, Fangyu; Illes, Katalin; Nagar, Bhushan (2017). Crystal structure of the human alkaline sphingomyelinase provides insights into substrate recognition. Journal of Biological Chemistry 292(17) , 7087-7094. 10.1074/jbc.m116.769273. [PDB: 5tcd, 5udy] CMCF-ID Health
El-Halfawy, Omar M.; Klett, Javier; Ingram, Rebecca J.; Loutet, Slade A.; Murphy, Michael E. P. et al. (2017). Antibiotic Capture by Bacterial Lipocalins Uncovers an Extracellular Mechanism of Intrinsic Antibiotic Resistance. mBio 8(2) , e00225-17. 10.1128/mbio.00225-17. [PDB: 5ixg, 5ixh] CMCF-ID Health
Curtin, Michael L.; Pliushchev, Marina A.; Li, Huan-Qiu; Torrent, Maricel; Dietrich, Justin D. et al. (2017). SAR of amino pyrrolidines as potent and novel protein-protein interaction inhibitors of the PRC2 complex through EED binding. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 27(7) , 1576-1583. 10.1016/j.bmcl.2017.02.030. [PDB: 5u69, 5u6d] CMCF-ID Health