Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Wang, F.; Cheng, W.; Shang, H.; Wang, R.; Zhang, B. et al. (2021). The Crystal Structure of human MTH1 from Biortus. Protein Data Bank: 7esf. CMCF-ID
Wallweber, H.; Mortara, K.; Ferri, E.; Wang, W.; Rudolph, J. et al. (2020). Structure of phosphorylated apo IRE1. Protein Data Bank: 6w3c. CMCF-ID
Wallweber, H.; Mortara, K.; Ferri, E.; Rudolph, J.; Wang, W. et al. (2020). Structure of apo unphosphorylated IRE1. Protein Data Bank: 6w3b. CMCF-ID
Tempel, W.; Yu, W.; Dong, A.; Cerovina, T.; Bountra, C. et al. (2017). Methyltransferase domain of human Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome Candidate 1-Like protein 1 (WHSC1L1). Protein Data Bank: 5upd. CMCF-ID
Suits, M.D.L.; Whiteside, J. (2019). PntC-AEPT: fusion protein of phosphonate-specific cytidylyltransferase and 2-aminoethylphosphonate (AEP) transaminase from Treponema denticola in complex with cytidine monophosphate-AEP. Protein Data Bank: 6pd2. CMCF-ID
Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID) (2017). Fragment screening by STD NMR identifies novel site binders against influenza A virus polymerase PA. Protein Data Bank: 5ifb. CMCF-ID
Park, J.; Gobeil, S.; Pelletier, J.N.; Berghuis, A.M. (2015). Crystal structures of chimeric beta-lactamase cTEM-19m. Protein Data Bank: 4r4s. CMCF-ID
Park, J.; Gobeil, S.; Pelletier, J.N.; Berghuis, A.M. (2015). Crystal structures of chimeric beta-lactamase cTEM-19m showing different conformations. Protein Data Bank: 4qy6. CMCF-ID
Lyons, B.; Ravulapalli, R.; Lanoue, J.; Lugo, M.R.; Dutta, D. et al. (2016). Scabin, a novel DNA-acting ADP-ribosyltransferase from Streptomyces scabies.. Protein Data Bank: 5daz. CMCF-ID
Lyons, B.; Ravulapalli, R.; Lanoue, J.; Lugo, M.R.; Dutta, D. et al. (2016). Scabin, a novel DNA-acting ADP-ribosyltransferase from Streptomyces scabies.. Protein Data Bank: 5ewy. CMCF-ID
Lyons, B.; Ravulapalli, R.; Lanoue, J.; Lugo, M.R.; Dutta, D. et al. (2016). Scabin, a novel DNA-acting ADP-ribosyltransferase from Streptomyces scabies.. Protein Data Bank: 5ewk. CMCF-ID
Bertwistle, D.; Aamudalapalli, H.; Vogt, L.; Sanders, D.A.R.; Palmer, D.R.J. et al. (2015). Crystal Structure of apo scyllo-inositol dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus casei. Protein Data Bank: 4mkx. CMCF-ID
Zhu, X.; Wilson, I.A. (2013). Crystal structure of a subtype H17 hemagglutinin homologue from A/little yellow-shouldered bat/Guatemala/060/2010 (H17N10). Protein Data Bank: 4i78. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Zhang, H.; Tempel, W.; Dong, A.; Bountra, C.; Arrowsmith, C.H. et al. (2016). Crystal Structure of the extended TUDOR domain from TDRD2. Protein Data Bank: 5j39. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Yu, W.; Tempel, W.; Li, Y.; El Bakkouri, M.; Shapira, M. et al. (2013). Crystal structure of the complex of SETD8 with SAM. Protein Data Bank: 4ij8. CMCF-ID Agriculture