Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Zhou, Laidong; Bazak, J. David; Singh, Baltej; Li, Chang; Assoud, Abdeljalil et al. (2023). A New Sodium Thioborate Fast Ion Conductor: Na 3 B 5 S 9. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition . 10.1002/anie.202300404. CMCF-BM Materials
Thomas SPRETER VON KREUDENSTEIN; Surjit Bhimarao Dixit; Paula Irene Lario; Eric Escobar-Cabrera; Martin J. BOULANGER et al. (2023). Crystal structures of heterodimeric fc domains. Patent Number: CA2889951C. CMCF-BM Health
Sharon, Itai; Schmeing, T. Martin (2023). Bioinformatics of cyanophycin metabolism genes and characterization of promiscuous isoaspartyl dipeptidases that catalyze the final step of cyanophycin degradation. Scientific Reports 13(1) . 10.1038/s41598-023-34587-w. CMCF-BM Health
McLeod, Matthew J.; Holyoak, Todd (2023). Biochemical, structural, and kinetic characterization of PPi‐dependent phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase from Propionibacterium freudenreichii. Proteins: Structure. Function and Bioinformatics . 10.1002/prot.26513. [PDB: 8e1u] CMCF-BM Health
McLeod, Matthew J.; Tran, Norman; McCluskey, Gregory D.; Gillis, Tom D.; Bearne, Stephen L. et al. (2023). A metal‐dependent conformational change provides a structural basis for the inhibition of CTP synthase by gemcitabine‐5′‐triphosphate. Protein Science 32(6) . 10.1002/pro.4648. [PDB: 8fv6, 8fv7, 8fv8, 8fv9, 8fva, 8fvb] CMCF-BM Health
McLeod, M.J.; Holyoak, T. (2023). Propionibacterium freudenreichii PPi-dependent PEPCK in complex with malate. Protein Data Bank: 8e1u. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Mrozek, A.; Park, H.W. (2023). Crystal structure of Plasmodium falciparum GRP78-NBD in complex with Piclidenoson. Protein Data Bank: 8d22. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Mrozek, A.; Park, H.W. (2023). Crystal structure of Plasmodium falciparum GRP78 in complex with 5'-Methylthioadenosine. Protein Data Bank: 8d20. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Mrozek, A.; Park, H.W. (2023). Crystal structure of Plasmodium falciparum GRP78 in complex with Trans-Zeatin Riboside. Protein Data Bank: 8d1y. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Mrozek, A.; Chen, Y.; Antoshchenko, T.; Park, H.W. (2023). Crystal structure of Plasmodium falciparum GRP78-NBD in complex with 8-Aminoadenosine. Protein Data Bank: 8d1q. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Holyoak, T.; McLeod, M.J.; Tran, N. (2023). E coli. CTP synthase in complex with CTP. Protein Data Bank: 8fvb. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Holyoak, T.; McLeod, M.J.; Tran, N. (2023). E coli. CTP synthase in complex with F-araCTP. Protein Data Bank: 8fva. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Holyoak, T.; McLeod, M.J.; Tran, N. (2023). E coli. CTP synthase in complex with F-dCTP. Protein Data Bank: 8fv9. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Holyoak, T.; McLeod, M.J.; Tran, N. (2023). E coli. CTP synthase in complex with dF-dCTP + ADP. Protein Data Bank: 8fv8. CMCF-BM Agriculture
Holyoak, T.; McLeod, M.J.; Tran, N. (2023). E coli. CTP synthase in complex with dF-dCTP + ATP. Protein Data Bank: 8fv7. CMCF-BM Agriculture