Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Wang, Weijun; Mazurkewich, Scott; Kimber, Matthew S.; Seah, Stephen Y.K. (2010). Structural and Kinetic Characterization of 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxoglutarate/4-Carboxy-4-hydroxy-2-oxoadipate Aldolase, a Protocatechuate Degradation Enzyme Evolutionarily Convergent with the HpaI and DmpG Pyruvate Aldolases. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285(47) , 36608-36615. 10.1074/jbc.m110.159509. [PDB: 3noj] CMCF-ID Materials
Grochulski, Pawel; Fodje, Michel N.; Gorin, James; Labiuk, Shaunivan L.; Berg, Russ et al. (2011). Beamline 08ID-1, the prime beamline of the Canadian Macromolecular Crystallography Facility. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 18(4) , 681-684. 10.1107/s0909049511019431. CMCF-ID Materials
Li, J. W.; Matias, E.; Chen, N.; Kim, C.-Y.; Wang, J. et al. (2010). Investigations of mechanical vibrations for beamlines at the Canadian Light Source. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 18(2) , 109-116. 10.1107/s0909049510041075. CMCF-ID, REIXS, SM Materials
Strushkevich, Natallia; Usanov, Sergey A.; Park, Hee-Won (2010). Structural Basis of Human CYP51 Inhibition by Antifungal Azoles. Journal of Molecular Biology 397(4) , 1067-1078. 10.1016/j.jmb.2010.01.075. [PDB: 3jus] CMCF-ID Health
Wong, Joyce J. W.; Lu, Jun; Edwards, Ross A.; Frost, Laura S.; Glover, J. N. Mark et al. (2011). Structural basis of cooperative DNA recognition by the plasmid conjugation factor, TraM. Nucleic Acids Research 39(15) , 6775-6788. 10.1093/nar/gkr296. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Hewitt, Stephen N.; Choi, Ryan; Kelley, Angela; Crowther, Gregory J.; Napuli, Alberto J. et al. (2011). Expression of proteins inEscherichia colias fusions with maltose-binding protein to rescue non-expressed targets in a high-throughput protein-expression and purification pipeline. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 67(9) , 1006-1009. 10.1107/s1744309111022159. [PDB: 3u40] CMCF-ID Health
Wu, Hong; Zeng, Hong; Lam, Robert; Tempel, Wolfram; Amaya, Maria F. et al. (2011). Structural and Histone Binding Ability Characterizations of Human PWWP Domains. PLoS ONE 6(6) , e18919. 10.1371/journal.pone.0018919. [PDB: 3llr, 3lyi] CMCF-ID Health
Meza-Avina, Maria Elena; Wei, Lianhu; Liu, Yan; Poduch, Ewa; Bello, Angelica M. et al. (2010). Structural determinants for the inhibitory ligands of orotidine-5′-monophosphate decarboxylase. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 18(11) , 4032-4041. 10.1016/j.bmc.2010.04.017. [PDB: 3mi2] CMCF-ID Health
Gould, Alister D.; Shilton, Brian H. (2010). Studies of the Maltose Transport System Reveal a Mechanism for Coupling ATP Hydrolysis to Substrate Translocation without Direct Recognition of Substrate. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285(15) , 11290-11296. 10.1074/jbc.m109.089078. [PDB: 3hpi, 3kjt] CMCF-ID Health
Roberts, Joseph N.; Singh, Rahul; Grigg, Jason C.; Murphy, Michael E. P.; Bugg, Timothy D. H. et al. (2011). Characterization of Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidases from Rhodococcus jostii RHA1. Biochemistry 50(23) , 5108-5119. 10.1021/bi200427h. [PDB: 3qnr] CMCF-ID Health
Cherney, Maia M.; Cherney, Leonid T.; Garen, Craig R.; James, Michael N.G. (2011). The Structures of Thermoplasma volcanium Phosphoribosyl Pyrophosphate Synthetase Bound to Ribose-5-Phosphate and ATP Analogs. Journal of Molecular Biology 413(4) , 844-856. 10.1016/j.jmb.2011.09.007. [PDB: 3lpn, 3lrt, 3mbi, 3nag] CMCF-ID Health
Tonkin, Michelle L.; Roques, Magali; Lamarque, Mauld H.; Pugnière, Martine; Douguet, Dominique et al. (2011). Host Cell Invasion by Apicomplexan Parasites: Insights from the Co-Structure of AMA1 with a RON2 Peptide. Science 333(6041) , 463-467. 10.1126/science.1204988. [PDB: 2y8s, 2y8t] CMCF-ID Health
Grishin, Andrey M.; Ajamian, Eunice; Tao, Limei; Zhang, Linhua; Menard, Robert et al. (2011). Structural and Functional Studies of the Escherichia coli Phenylacetyl-CoA Monooxygenase Complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(12) , 10735-10743. 10.1074/jbc.m110.194423. [PDB: 3pvr, 3pvt, 3pvy, 3pw1, 3pw8, 3pwq] CMCF-ID Health
Lee, Ho Jun; Lairson, Luke L.; Rich, Jamie R.; Lameignere, Emilie; Wakarchuk, Warren W. et al. (2011). Structural and Kinetic Analysis of Substrate Binding to the Sialyltransferase Cst-II from Campylobacter jejuni. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(41) , 35922-35932. 10.1074/jbc.m111.261172. [PDB: 2x61] CMCF-ID Health
Harikrishnan, Lalgudi S.; Kamau, Muthoni G.; Wan, Honghe; Inghrim, Jennifer A.; Zimmermann, Kurt et al. (2011). Pyrrolo[1,2-f]triazines as JAK2 inhibitors: Achieving potency and selectivity for JAK2 over JAK3. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 21(5) , 1425-1428. 10.1016/j.bmcl.2011.01.022. [PDB: 3q32] CMCF-ID Health