Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Yaseen; Ayat (2018). Part I: Crystallization of A Type IV Pilin from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Part II: Characterization of a Peptidyl-Prolyl-Cis,Trans-Isomerase Through X-Ray Crystallography. Supervisor: Audette, Gerald F. Ontario, Canada: York University. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Agriculture
Mellor, Paul; Marshall, Jeremy D. S.; Ruan, Xuan; Whitecross, Dielle E.; Ross, Rebecca L. et al. (2018). Patient-derived mutations within the N-terminal domains of p85α impact PTEN or Rab5 binding and regulation. Scientific Reports 8(1) . 10.1038/s41598-018-25487-5. [PDB: 6d81, 6d82, 6d85, 6d86, 6d87] CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Jacques, Benoit; Coinçon, Mathieu; Sygusch, Jurgen (2018). Active site remodeling during the catalytic cycle in metal-dependent fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolases. Journal of Biological Chemistry 293(20) , 7737-7753. 10.1074/jbc.ra117.001098. [PDB: 5ucn, 5ucp, 5ucs, 5ucz, 5ud0, 5ud1, 5ud2] CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Gebai, Ahmad; Gorelik, Alexei; Li, Zixian; Illes, Katalin; Nagar, Bhushan et al. (2018). Structural basis for the activation of acid ceramidase. Nature Communications 9(1) . 10.1038/s41467-018-03844-2. [PDB: 5u7z, 5u81, 5u84] CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Blank, Matthew L.; Parker, Michelle L.; Ramaswamy, Raghavendran; Powell, Cameron J.; English, Elizabeth D. et al. (2018). A Toxoplasma gondii locus required for the direct manipulation of host mitochondria has maintained multiple ancestral functions. Molecular Microbiology 108(5) , 519-535. 10.1111/mmi.13947. [PDB: 6bxr, 6bxs] CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Bailey-Elkin; Ben (2018). Nidovirus papain-like proteases: structural insight into substrate recognition and innate immune suppression. Supervisor: Mark, Brian. Manitoba, Canada: University of Manitoba. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Yaseen; Ayat (2018). Part I: Crystallization of A Type IV Pilin from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Part II: Characterization of a Peptidyl-Prolyl-Cis,Trans-Isomerase Through X-Ray Crystallography. Supervisor: Audette, Gerald F. Ontario, Canada: York University. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Agriculture
Wong King Yuen; Siobhan Meagan (2018). Structural and biochemical insights into the cardiac and skeletal muscle excitation-contraction coupling machinery. Supervisor: Van Petegem, Filip. British Columbia, Canada: University of British Columbia. CMCF-ID
Wong, Alan (2018). Receptor Binding Domains and Coronavirus Adaptation and Evolution. Supervisor: Rini, James. ON, Canada: University of Toronto. CMCF-ID Health
Ulaganathan, T.; Cygler, M. (2018). Complex structure of Ulvan lyase from Nonlaben Ulvanivorans- NLR48. Protein Data Bank: 6d3u. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Sychantha, David (2018). O-Acetylation of Cell Wall Glycans in Gram-Positive Bacteria. Supervisor: Clarke, Anthony. ON, Canada: University of Guelph. CMCF-ID Health
Stöppler, Daniel; Macpherson, Alex; Smith-Penzel, Susanne; Basse, Nicolas; Lecomte, Fabien et al. (2018). Insight into small molecule binding to the neonatal Fc receptor by X-ray crystallography and 100 kHz magic-angle-spinning NMR. PLoS Biology 16(5) , e2006192. 10.1371/journal.pbio.2006192. [PDB: 6c97, 6c98] CMCF-ID Health
Sokaribo; A.S.; Cotelesage; J.H.; Novakovski et al. (2018). Crystal structure of E. coli phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase mutant Lys254Ser. Protein Data Bank: 6cu4. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Sokaribo, A.S.; Cotelesage, J.H.; Novakovski, B.; Goldie, H.; Sanders, D. et al. (2018). Arg65Gln Mutagenic E.coli PCK. Protein Data Bank: 6crt. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Scally, S.W.; Bosch, A.; Imkeller, K.; Wardemann, H.; Julien, J.P. et al. (2018). Crystal structure of 1450 Fab in complex with circumsporozoite protein NANP5. Protein Data Bank: 6d11. CMCF-ID Health