Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Bacik, John-Paul; Klesmith, Justin R.; Whitehead, Timothy A.; Jarboe, Laura R.; Unkefer, Clifford J. et al. (2015). Producing Glucose 6-Phosphate from Cellulosic Biomass. Journal of Biological Chemistry 290(44) , 26638-26648. 10.1074/jbc.m115.674614. [PDB: 4yh5, 4zfv, 4zlu, 5bsb] CMCF-ID Agriculture
Cook, Jonathan D.; Soto-Montoya, Hazel; Korpela, Markus K.; Lee, Jeffrey E. (2015). Electrostatic Architecture of the Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus (ISAV) Core Fusion Protein Illustrates a Carboxyl-Carboxylate pH Sensor. Journal of Biological Chemistry 290(30) , 18495-18504. 10.1074/jbc.m115.644781. [PDB: 4xyp] CMCF-ID Agriculture
Ebeling, Julia; Fünfhaus, Anne; Knispel, Henriette; Krska, Daniel; Ravulapalli, Ravikiran et al. (2017). Characterization of the toxin Plx2A, a RhoA-targeting ADP-ribosyltransferase produced by the honey bee pathogenPaenibacillus larvae. Environmental Microbiology 19(12) , 5100-5116. 10.1111/1462-2920.13989. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Galka, Marek M.; Rajagopalan, Nandhakishore; Buhrow, Leann M.; Nelson, Ken M.; Switala, Jacek et al. (2015). Identification of Interactions between Abscisic Acid and Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase. PLoS ONE 10(7) , e0133033. 10.1371/journal.pone.0133033. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Gruninger, Robert J.; Cote, Chris; McAllister, Tim A.; Abbott, D. Wade (2016). Contributions of a unique β-clamp to substrate recognition illuminates the molecular basis of exolysis in ferulic acid esterases. Biochemical Journal 473(7) , 839-849. 10.1042/bj20151153. [PDB: 5cxu, 5cxx] CMCF-ID Agriculture
Hoover, Gordon J.; Jørgensen, René; Rochon, Amanda; Bajwa, Vikramjit S.; Merrill, A. Rod et al. (2013). Identification of catalytically important amino acid residues for enzymatic reduction of glyoxylate in plants. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics 1834(12) , 2663-2671. 10.1016/j.bbapap.2013.09.013. CMCF-ID Agriculture
Keeling, Thomas J.; Samborska, Bożena; Demers, Ryan W.; Kimber, Matthew S. (2014). Interactions and structural variability of β-carboxysomal shell protein CcmL. Photosynthesis Research 121(2-3) , 125-133. 10.1007/s11120-014-9973-z. [PDB: 4n8f, 4n8x] CMCF-ID Agriculture
Kim, Jitae; Kimber, Matthew S.; Nishimura, Kenji; Friso, Giulia; Schultz, Lance et al. (2015). Structures, Functions, and Interactions of ClpT1 and ClpT2 in the Clp Protease System of Arabidopsis Chloroplasts. Plant Cell 27(5) , 1477-1496. 10.1105/tpc.15.00106. [PDB: 4y0b] CMCF-ID Agriculture
McGregor, Nicholas; Yin, Victor; Tung, Ching‐Chieh; Van Petegem, Filip; Brumer, Harry et al. (2017). Crystallographic insight into the evolutionary origins of xyloglucan endotransglycosylases and endohydrolases. Plant Journal 89(4) , 651-670. 10.1111/tpj.13421. [PDB: 5dze, 5dzf, 5sv8] CMCF-ID Agriculture
Roach, Elyse J.; Wroblewski, Charles; Seidel, Laura; Berezuk, Alison M.; Brewer, Dyanne et al. (2016). Structure and Mutational Analyses of Escherichia coli ZapD Reveal Charged Residues Involved in FtsZ Filament Bundling. Journal of Bacteriology 198(11) , 1683-1693. 10.1128/jb.00969-15. [PDB: 5dko] CMCF-ID Agriculture
Saer, Rafael G.; Hardjasa, Amelia; Rosell, Federico I.; Mauk, A. Grant; Murphy, Michael E. P. et al. (2013). Role of Rhodobacter sphaeroides Photosynthetic Reaction Center Residue M214 in the Composition, Absorbance Properties, and Conformations of HA and BA Cofactors. Biochemistry 52(13) , 2206-2217. 10.1021/bi400207m. [PDB: 4in5] CMCF-ID Agriculture
Hettle, Andrew G.; Hobbs, Joanne K.; Pluvinage, Benjamin; Vickers, Chelsea; Abe, Kento T. et al. (2019). Insights into the κ/ι-carrageenan metabolism pathway of some marine Pseudoalteromonas species. Communications Biology 2(1) . 10.1038/s42003-019-0721-y. [PDB: 6pnu, 6pop, 6prm, 6psm, 6pt4, 6ptk] CMCF-ID Environment
Nicklisch, Sascha C. T.; Rees, Steven D.; McGrath, Aaron P.; Gökirmak, Tufan; Bonito, Lindsay T. et al. (2016). Global marine pollutants inhibit P-glycoprotein: Environmental levels, inhibitory effects, and cocrystal structure. Science advances 2(4) , e1600001-e1600001. 10.1126/sciadv.1600001. [PDB: 4xwk] CMCF-ID Environment
Pluvinage, Benjamin; Hehemann, Jan-Hendrik; Boraston, Alisdair B. (2013). Substrate Recognition and Hydrolysis by a Family 50 exo-β-Agarase, Aga50D, from the Marine Bacterium Saccharophagus degradans. Journal of Biological Chemistry 288(39) , 28078-28088. 10.1074/jbc.m113.491068. [PDB: 4bq4, 4bq5] CMCF-ID Environment
Wahba, Haytham M.; Lecoq, Lauriane; Stevenson, Michael; Mansour, Ahmed; Cappadocia, Laurent et al. (2016). Structural and Biochemical Characterization of a Copper-Binding Mutant of the Organomercurial Lyase MerB: Insight into the Key Role of the Active Site Aspartic Acid in Hg–Carbon Bond Cleavage and Metal Binding Specificity. Biochemistry 55(7) , 1070-1081. 10.1021/acs.biochem.5b01298. [PDB: 5c17] CMCF-ID Environment