Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
44. Joseph Daniel Padmos (2015). Understanding the Structure of Silver Nanoparticles and Its Influence on Surface Reactivity. Supervisor: Zhang, Peng. NS, Canada: Dalhousie University. CLS-APS, HXMA, SXRMB
44. Joseph Daniel Padmos (2015). Understanding the Structure of Silver Nanoparticles and Its Influence on Surface Reactivity. Supervisor: Zhang, Peng. NS, Canada: Dalhousie University. CLS-APS, HXMA, SXRMB
44. Joseph Daniel Padmos (2015). Understanding the Structure of Silver Nanoparticles and Its Influence on Surface Reactivity. Supervisor: Zhang, Peng. NS, Canada: Dalhousie University. CLS-APS, HXMA, SXRMB
Adrien Dejeant (2014). After storage mill tailings reactivity: effects on the uranium speciation, COMINAK mine, Niger. France: University of Paris VII. . HXMA, VESPERS
Adrien Dejeant (2014). Réactivité de résidus miniers après leur entreposage : conséquences sur la spéciation de l'uranium.. Supervisor: Galoisy Laurence. France: Paris. . HXMA Materials
Adrien Dejeant (2014). After storage mill tailings reactivity: effects on the uranium speciation, COMINAK mine, Niger. France: University of Paris VII. . HXMA, VESPERS
Agbolaghi, Samira; Abbasi, Farhang; Zenoozi, Sahar; Nazari, Maryam (2017). Annealing-free multi-thermal techniques comprising aging, cycling and seeding to enhance performance of thick P3HT:PCBM photovoltaic cells via developing hairy crystals. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 63, 285-294. 10.1016/j.mssp.2017.02.029. HXMA
Aghbolaghy, M.; Ghavami, M.; Soltan, J.; Chen, N. (2019). Effect of active metal loading on catalyst structure and performance in room temperature oxidation of acetone by ozone. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 77, 118-127. 10.1016/j.jiec.2019.04.026. HXMA Materials
Aghbolaghy, Mostafa; Soltan, Jafar; Chen, Ning (2017). Role of Surface Carboxylates in the Gas Phase Ozone-Assisted Catalytic Oxidation of Toluene. Catalysis Letters 147(9) , 2421-2433. 10.1007/s10562-017-2143-0. HXMA
Aghbolaghy, Mostafa; Soltan, Jafar; Chen, Ning (2018). Low Temperature Catalytic Oxidation of Binary Mixture of Toluene and Acetone in the Presence of Ozone. Catalysis Letters 148(11) , 3431-3444. 10.1007/s10562-018-2536-8. HXMA Materials
Aghbolaghy, Mostafa; Soltan, Jafar; Sutarto, Ronny (2017). The role of surface carboxylates in catalytic ozonation of acetone on alumina-supported manganese oxide. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 128, 73-84. 10.1016/j.cherd.2017.10.002. HXMA, REIXS
Aghbolaghy, Mostafa; Soltan, Jafar; Sutarto, Ronny (2017). The role of surface carboxylates in catalytic ozonation of acetone on alumina-supported manganese oxide. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 128, 73-84. 10.1016/j.cherd.2017.10.002. HXMA, REIXS
Alam, Md. Samrat; Gorman-Lewis, Drew; Chen, Ning; Flynn, Shannon L.; Ok, Yong Sik et al. (2018). Thermodynamic Analysis of Nickel(II) and Zinc(II) Adsorption to Biochar. Environmental Science & Technology 52(11) . 10.1021/acs.est.7b06261. HXMA
Alam, Md. Samrat; Gorman-Lewis, Drew; Chen, Ning; Safari, Salman; Baek, Kitae et al. (2018). Mechanisms of the Removal of U(VI) from Aqueous Solution Using Biochar: A Combined Spectroscopic and Modeling Approach. Environmental Science & Technology 52(22) , 13057-13067. 10.1021/acs.est.8b01715. HXMA, VESPERS
Alam, Md. Samrat; Gorman-Lewis, Drew; Chen, Ning; Safari, Salman; Baek, Kitae et al. (2018). Mechanisms of the Removal of U(VI) from Aqueous Solution Using Biochar: A Combined Spectroscopic and Modeling Approach. Environmental Science & Technology 52(22) , 13057-13067. 10.1021/acs.est.8b01715. HXMA, VESPERS