Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Lin; Linda; Chen; Ning; Khrushchev et al. (2019). CLS HXMA 2.0 T superconducting Wiggler upgrades. . 10.1063/1.5084569. HXMA Materials
Arthur; Zachary (2019). In situ synchrotron radiation investigation of charge compensation and phase evolution mechanisms in Li2FeSiO4 electrodes. Supervisor: Jiang, De-Tong. Ontario, Canada: University of Guelph. HXMA, SGM, SM Materials
Parigi, Roberta (2021). Nickel Isotope Geochemistry in Mine Waste System. Supervisor: Blowes, David. ON, Canada: University of Waterloo. CLS-APS, CMCF-BM, HXMA, SXRMB Environment
Lin, J., Chen, N. & Pan, Y. (2020). Uptake mechanisms of arsenate in gypsum: Structural incorporation versus surface absorption and implications for remediation of arsenic contamination.. . HXMA Environment
Pan, Y., Chen, N., Zhu, J., Hopps, N., Wiens, E. & Lin, J. (2020). Local structural environments of bromine in chlorine-rich minerals: Insights from Br K-edge XAS and 81Br MAS NMR. Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 27: 10-22.. . . HXMA Environment
Aghbolaghy, M.; Ghavami, M.; Soltan, J.; Chen, N. (2019). Effect of active metal loading on catalyst structure and performance in room temperature oxidation of acetone by ozone. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 77, 118-127. 10.1016/j.jiec.2019.04.026. HXMA Materials
Aghbolaghy, Mostafa; Soltan, Jafar; Sutarto, Ronny (2017). The role of surface carboxylates in catalytic ozonation of acetone on alumina-supported manganese oxide. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 128, 73-84. 10.1016/j.cherd.2017.10.002. HXMA, REIXS
Bai, Ruijun; Zhang, Miaoxin; Zhang, Xin; Zhao, Shijing; Chen, Weifeng et al. (2021). A Multidimensional Topotactic Host Composite Anode Toward Transparent Flexible Potassium-Ion Microcapacitors. ACS applied materials & interfaces 14(1) . 10.1021/acsami.1c20609. HXMA Materials
Barrett, William; Shen, Jing; Hu, Yongfeng; Hayes, Robert E.; Scott, Robert W. J. et al. (2019). Understanding the Role of SnO 2 Support in Water‐Tolerant Methane Combustion: In situ Observation of Pd(OH) 2 and Comparison with Pd/Al 2 O 3. ChemCatChem 12(3) , 944-952. 10.1002/cctc.201901744. HXMA, SXRMB Materials
Blanchard, Peter E.R.; Van Loon, Lisa L.; Reid, Joel W.; Cutler, Jeffrey N.; Rowson, John et al. (2017). Investigating arsenic speciation in the JEB Tailings Management Facility at McClean Lake, Saskatchewan using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Chemical Geology 466, 617-626. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.07.014. CMCF-BM, HXMA Environment
Chen, Ning; Alam, Md Samrat; Alessi, Daniel S. (2020). XAS characterization of nano-chromite particles precipitated on magnetite-biochar composites. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 175, 108544. 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2019.108544. HXMA Materials
Chen, Xu; Guo, Jiangang; Deng, Jun; Wang, Ran; Zhao, Shijing et al. (2021). Highly Active Sites in Quaternary LnPdAsO (Ln = La, Ce, Pr) with Excellent Catalytic Activity for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. ACS Applied Energy Materials 4(5) , 4302-4307. 10.1021/acsaem.1c00434. HXMA Materials
Chen, Zhangsen; Zhang, Gaixia; Wen, Yuren; Chen, Ning; Chen, Weifeng et al. (2021). Atomically Dispersed Fe-Co Bimetallic Catalysts for the Promoted Electroreduction of Carbon Dioxide. Nano-Micro Letters 14(1) . 10.1007/s40820-021-00746-9. BIOXAS, HXMA, SGM Materials
Dai, Hongliu; Dong, Jing; Wu, Mingjie; Hu, Qingmin; Wang, Dongniu et al. (2021). Cobalt‐Phthalocyanine‐Derived Molecular Isolation Layer for Highly Stable Lithium Anode. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 60(36) , 19852-19859. 10.1002/anie.202106027. HXMA, VLS-PGM Materials
Dai, Hongliu; Dong, Jing; Wu, Mingjie; Hu, Qingmin; Wang, Dongniu et al. (2021). Cobalt‐Phthalocyanine‐Derived Molecular Isolation Layer for Highly Stable Lithium Anode. Angewandte Chemie 133(36) , 20005-20012. 10.1002/ange.202106027. HXMA, VLS-PGM Environment