Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Arthur, Zachary; Chiu, Hsien-Chieh; Lu, Xia; Chen, Ning; Emond, Vincent et al. (2016). Spontaneous reaction between an uncharged lithium iron silicate cathode and a LiPF6-based electrolyte. Chemical Communications 52(1) , 190-193. 10.1039/c5cc07197f. HXMA
Arthur, Z; Chiu, H C; Lu, X; Chen, N; Emond, V et al. (2016). In situXANES & XRD Study of interphasial reaction between uncharged Li2FeSiO4cathode and LiPF6-based electrolyte. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 712, 012124. 10.1088/1742-6596/712/1/012124. HXMA
Bibienne, Thomas; Flacau, Roxana; Kim, Chang-Yong; Bobet, Jean-Louis; Huot, Jacques et al. (2016). Ti-based BCC Alloy: Dehydrogenation Characterization Using Synchrotron and Neutron Diffraction. Materials Research 19(suppl 1) , 8-12. 10.1590/1980-5373-mr-2016-0075. HXMA
Bissonnette, Jocelyn; Essilfie-Dughan, Joseph; Moldovan, Brett J.; Hendry, M. Jim (2016). Sequestration of As and Mo in uranium mill precipitates (pH 1.5–9.2): An XAS study. Applied Geochemistry 72, 20-33. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.06.007. HXMA
Cheng, Niancai; Stambula, Samantha; Wang, Da; Banis, Mohammad Norouzi; Liu, Jian et al. (2016). Platinum single-atom and cluster catalysis of the hydrogen evolution reaction. Nature Communications 7(1) , 13638. 10.1038/ncomms13638. HXMA
Clancy, J. P.; Gretarsson, H.; Lee, E. K. H.; Tian, Di; Kim, J. et al. (2016). X-ray scattering study of pyrochlore iridates: Crystal structure, electronic, and magnetic excitations. Physical Review B 94(2) . 10.1103/physrevb.94.024408. HXMA
Das, Soumya; Essilfie-Dughan, Joseph; Jim Hendry, M. (2016). Sequestration of molybdate during transformation of 2-line ferrihydrite under alkaline conditions. Applied Geochemistry 73. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.08.003. HXMA
Déjeant, Adrien; Galoisy, Laurence; Roy, Régis; Calas, Georges; Boekhout, Flora et al. (2016). Evolution of uranium distribution and speciation in mill tailings, COMINAK Mine, Niger. Science of the Total Environment 545-546, 340-352. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.12.027. HXMA
Gangishetty, Mahesh K.; Scott, Robert W. J.; Kelly, Timothy L. (2016). Thermal degradation mechanism of triangular Ag@SiO2nanoparticles. Dalton Transactions 45(24) , 9827-9834. 10.1039/c6dt00169f. HXMA
John Hayes (2016). Analysis of nuclear fuel cycle materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Supervisor: Andrew Grosvenor. SK, CA: University of Saskatchwan. CLS-APS, HXMA, SXRMB, VESPERS
Mathias Fischer (2016). Characterization of doping atoms (Ta, Nb) in advanced PEM fuel cell supports and catalysts as well as of the surface solvent interaction of laser-generated Pt nanoparticles A XAFS study. Supervisor: Hormes, J;Linden, S. Bonn, Germany: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn. HXMA, IDEAS
Nakashige, Toshiki G.; Stephan, Jules R.; Cunden, Lisa S.; Brophy, Megan Brunjes; Wommack, Andrew J. et al. (2016). The Hexahistidine Motif of Host-Defense Protein Human Calprotectin Contributes to Zinc Withholding and Its Functional Versatility. Journal of the American Chemical Society 138(37) , 12243-12251. 10.1021/jacs.6b06845. HXMA
Nassiri, Hanieh; Lee, Kee-Eun; Hu, Yongfeng; Hayes, Robert E.; Scott, Robert W. J. et al. (2016). Platinum Inhibits Low-Temperature Dry Lean Methane Combustion through Palladium Reduction in Pd−Pt/Al2O3: An In Situ X-ray Absorption Study. ChemPhysChem 18(2) . 10.1002/cphc.201600993. HXMA
Qin, Kaixuan (2016). Impact of Iron(II)-Induced Transformation of Iron(III) (Hydr)Oxides on Molybdenum Mobility in Groundwater. Supervisor: Lindsay, Matthew B.J.. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. CMCF-BM, HXMA
Shivhare, A.; Scott, R. W. J. (2016). Following the thermal and chemical activation of supported Au clusters using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. RSC Advances 6(67) , 62579-62584. 10.1039/c6ra10941a. HXMA