Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Blanchard, Peter E. R.; Grosvenor, Andrew P.; Cavell, Ronald G.; Mar, Arthur (2009). Effects of metal substitution in transition-metal phosphides (Ni1−xM′x)2P (M′ = Cr, Fe, Co) studied by X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Chemistry 19(33) , 6015. 10.1039/b904250d. HXMA, SGM
Blanchard, Peter E. R.; Grosvenor, Andrew P.; Cavell, Ronald G.; Mar, Arthur (2009). Effects of metal substitution in transition-metal phosphides (Ni1−xM′x)2P (M′ = Cr, Fe, Co) studied by X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Chemistry 19(33) , 6015. 10.1039/b904250d. HXMA, SGM
Andrahennadi, Ruwandi; Fu, Juxia; Pushie, M. Jake; Wiramanaden, Cheryl I. E.; George, Graham N. et al. (2009). Insect excretes unusual six-coordinate pentavalent arsenic species. Environmental Chemistry 6(4) , 298. 10.1071/en09029. HXMA