Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Zhang, Lijie; Zhuang, Linzhou; Liu, Hongli; Zhang, Longzhou; Cai, Rongsheng et al. (2021). Beyond Platinum: Defects Abundant CoP 3 /Ni 2 P Heterostructure for Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis. Small Science 1(4) , 2000027. 10.1002/smsc.202000027. HXMA Materials
Xie, Juan; Wang, Chenjie; Chen, Ning; Chen, Weifeng; Xu, Jiake et al. (2021). Highly active g-C3N4 photocatalysts modified with transition metal cobalt for hydrogen evolution. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9(12) , 4378-4384. 10.1039/d0tc05338d. HXMA Materials
Wu, Mingjie; Zhang, Gaixia; Tong, Hui; Liu, Xianhu; Du, Lei et al. (2021). Cobalt (II) oxide nanosheets with rich oxygen vacancies as highly efficient bifunctional catalysts for ultra-stable rechargeable Zn-air flow battery. Nano Energy 79, 105409. 10.1016/j.nanoen.2020.105409. HXMA, SGM, SM Materials
Wu, Mingjie; Zhang, Gaixia; Chen, Ning; Hu, Yongfeng; Regier, Tom et al. (2021). Self-Reconstruction of Co/Co2P Heterojunctions Confined in N-Doped Carbon Nanotubes for Zinc–Air Flow Batteries. ACS Energy Letters , 1153-1161. 10.1021/acsenergylett.1c00037. HXMA Materials
Parigi, Roberta (2021). Nickel Isotope Geochemistry in Mine Waste System. Supervisor: Blowes, David. ON, Canada: University of Waterloo. CLS-APS, CMCF-BM, HXMA, SXRMB Environment
Pan, Y., Chen, N., Zhu, J., Hopps, N., Wiens, E. & Lin, J. (2020). Local structural environments of bromine in chlorine-rich minerals: Insights from Br K-edge XAS and 81Br MAS NMR. Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 27: 10-22.. . . HXMA Environment
Liu, Yuwei; Li, Yan; Li, Yanzhang; Chen, Ning; Ding, Hongrui et al. (2021). Photo-stimulated anoxic reduction of birnessite (δ-MnO2) by citrate and its fine structural responses: Insights on a proton-promoted photoelectron transfer process. Chemical Geology 561, 120029. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.120029. HXMA Environment
Lin, J., Chen, N. & Pan, Y. (2020). Uptake mechanisms of arsenate in gypsum: Structural incorporation versus surface absorption and implications for remediation of arsenic contamination.. . HXMA Environment
Li, Minsi; Li, Weihan; Chen, Ning; Liang, Jianwen; Liu, Yanyu et al. (2021). Revealing Dopant Local Structure of Se-Doped Black Phosphorus. Chemistry of Materials 33(6) , 2029-2036. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c04072. HXMA, SXRMB Materials
Kim, Chang-Yong; Slusar, Tetiana; Cho, Jinchul; Kim, Hyun-Tak (2021). Mott Switching and Structural Transition in the Metal Phase of VO2 Nanodomain. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 3(2) , 605-610. 10.1021/acsaelm.0c00983. HXMA Materials
Deng, Sixu; Sun, Qian; Li, Minsi; Adair, Keegan; Yu, Chuang et al. (2021). Insight into cathode surface to boost the performance of solid-state batteries. Energy Storage Materials 35. 10.1016/j.ensm.2020.12.003. HXMA, SGM, SXRMB Materials