Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Adapa, P.K. (2011). Densification of Selected Agricultural Crop Resudues as Feedstock for the Biofuel Industry. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . MID-IR
Alivia Mukherjee (2022). Generation of activated carbon from spent coffee grounds: Process optimization, kinetics and CO2 capture. Supervisor: Ajay K. Dalai, Catherine Niu. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. MID-IR, SGM Materials
Armstrong, S. (2008). Dissipation and Phytotoxicity of Oil Sands Naphthenic Acids in Wetland Plants. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . MID-IR
Ben Xu (2015). Assessing different types of disorder in carbonate minerals with vibrational spectroscopy. Supervisor: Poduska, Kristin, M.. Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: Memorial University. MID-IR, SXRMB Materials
Danielle McRae (2020). Plasmon-Enabled Physical and Chemical Transformations of Nanomaterials. Supervisor: Francois Lagugne-Labarthet. Ontario, Canada: University of Western Ontario. MID-IR Materials
Denis AB Therien (2022). Plasmonically-Active Nanomaterials for Enhanced Second- Harmonic Generation and Chemical ReactionsHarmonic Generation and Chemical Reaction. Supervisor: Lagugné-Labarthet, François. Ontario, Canada: The University of Western Ontario. MID-IR Materials
Erick Soares Lins (2022). Dual Optical Frequency Comb Time-resolved Spectroscopy for Surface-Enhanced Spectroelectrochemistry. Supervisor: Burgess, Ian, J.. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. MID-IR Materials
Franc?ois Lapointe (2015). Proprie?te?s optiques dans l’infrarouge des nanotubes de carbone et du graphe?ne. Quebec: Université de Montréal. MID-IR
Goff; Kira Leanne (2018). The Response of Individual Living Cells of Chlamydomonas Spp. to High Light and Singlet Oxygen. Supervisor: Wilson, Kenneth E; Ellis, Thomas. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. MID-IR Agriculture
Lam, R. (2011). The Crystallization and Nucleation of Stearic Acid Containing Molecules Under Non-Isothermal Cooling Conditions. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . MID-IR
Luke James Sandilands (2014). Optical Spectroscopy of Two-dimensional Electronic Materials. Supervisor: Burch, Kenneth S.. ON, Canada: University of Toronto. MID-IR
Mohamad Mehdi Heydari Foroushani (2022). Investigation of lentil seed behavior under microwave and microwave-infrared ‎thermal ‎treatments and their impact on modifying the physico-chemical and ‎‎functional properties. Supervisor: Meda, Venkatesh. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. MID-IR Agriculture
Peng Zhang (2021). Development of Multi-Layer Soil Systems for Wastewater Treatment in Rural Areas. Supervisor: Huang, G.H.. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Regina. MID-IR, VESPERS Environment
Petrash, Daniel A. (2016). The trace metal content of modern and ancient peritidal and shallow subtidal dolomites: significance and systematics. Supervisor: Konhauser, Kurt. AB CA: University of Alberta. CLS-APS, MID-IR Environment
Rema; Tara (2016). Microscopic and molecular assessment of chlorhexidine tolerance mechanisms in Delftia acidovorans biofilms. Supervisor: Korber, Darren; Lawrence, John. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. MID-IR, SM Materials