Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Liu, Na; Yu, Peiqiang (2014). Recent Research and Progress in Food, Feed and Nutrition with Advanced Synchrotron-based SR-IMS and DRIFT Molecular Spectroscopy. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 56(6) , 910-918. 10.1080/10408398.2012.733895. MID-IR, SXRMB Agriculture
Kingsley L. Iroba, Lope G. Tabil (2014). Application of Fourier transform infrared-photoacoustic spectroscopy for the compositional analysis of radio frequency alkaline pretreated and non-treated barley straw. 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, Michigan, USA: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. , 141897850 10.13031/aim.20141897850. MID-IR Agriculture
Dominique Laniel (2014). Étude de solides moléculaires fortement azotés sous conditions extrêmes. Supervisor: Desgreniers, Serge. Ontario, Canada: Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa. HXMA, MID-IR
Goff, K.L. (2014). Toxicity, Morphological Changes and Dissipation of Oil Sands Naphthenic Acids in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . MID-IR
Liu, Na; Yu, Peiqiang (2014). Recent Research and Progress in Food, Feed and Nutrition with Advanced Synchrotron-based SR-IMS and DRIFT Molecular Spectroscopy. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 56(6) , 910-918. 10.1080/10408398.2012.733895. MID-IR, SXRMB Agriculture
Michaelian, K.H.; Oladepo, S.A.; Shaw, J.M.; Liu, X.; Bégué, D. et al. (2014). Raman and photoacoustic infrared spectra of fluorene derivatives: Experiment and calculations. Vibrational Spectroscopy 74, 33-46. 10.1016/j.vibspec.2014.07.003. MID-IR