Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Badea, Ildiko; Kaur,; Michel,; Chitanda,; Maley, et al. (2012). Lysine-functionalized nanodiamonds: synthesis, physiochemical characterization, and nucleic acid binding studies. International Journal of Nanomedicine , 3851. 10.2147/ijn.s32877. MID-IR
Kreuzer, Helen W.; Quaroni, Luca; Podlesak, David W.; Zlateva, Theodora; Bollinger, Nikki et al. (2012). Detection of Metabolic Fluxes of O and H Atoms into Intracellular Water in Mammalian Cells. PLoS ONE 7(7) , e39685. 10.1371/journal.pone.0039685. MID-IR
Rogers, Michael A.; Abraham, Shibu; Bodondics, Ferenc; Weiss, Richard G. (2012). Influence of the Hydroxyl Position in Racemic Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acids on the Crystallization Kinetics and Activation Energies of Gels and Dispersions in Mineral Oil. Crystal Growth and Design 12(11) , 5497-5504. 10.1021/cg301071x. MID-IR
Withana-Gamamge, T.S. (2012). STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF CRUCIFERIN: INVESTIGATION OF HOMOHEXAMERIC CRUCIFERIN EXPRESSED IN ARABIDOPSIS. Supervisor: Wanasundara, J.P.D & Qui, X.. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. MID-IR Materials