Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Guin, Satya N.; Xu, Qiunan; Kumar, Nitesh; Kung, Hsiang‐Hsi; Dufresne, Sydney et al. (2021). 2D‐Berry‐Curvature‐Driven Large Anomalous Hall Effect in Layered Topological Nodal‐Line MnAlGe. Advanced Materials 33(21) , 2006301. 10.1002/adma.202006301. QMSC Materials
Jiang, Juan; Lee, Alex Taekyung; Lee, Sangjae; Lau, Claudia; Li, Min et al. (2021). Electronic properties of epitaxial La1−xSrxRhO3 thin films. Physical Review B 103(19) . 10.1103/physrevb.103.195153. QMSC Materials
Liu, Chong; Day, Ryan P.; Li, Fengmiao; Roemer, Ryan L.; Zhdanovich, Sergey et al. (2021). High-order replica bands in monolayer FeSe/SrTiO3 revealed by polarization-dependent photoemission spectroscopy. Nature Communications 12(1) . 10.1038/s41467-021-24783-5. QMSC Materials
Zonno, M.; Boschini, F.; Razzoli, E.; Dufresne, S. K. Y.; Michiardi, M. et al. (2021). Ubiquitous suppression of the nodal coherent spectral weight in Bi-based cuprates. Physical Review B 103(15) . 10.1103/physrevb.103.155109. QMSC Materials
Marta Zonno (2020). Correlated phenomena studied by ARPES : from 3d to 4f systems. Supervisor: Damascelli, Andrea. BC, Canada: University of British Columbia. QMSC, REIXS Materials
Ryan Patrick Day (2020). Leveraging the light-matter interaction in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Supervisor: Damascelli, Andrea. BC, Canada: University of British Columbia. QMSC Materials
Berend Zwartsenberg (2019). Spin-orbit coupling in iridates. Supervisor: Damascelli, Andrea. BC, Canada: University of British Columbia. QMSC Materials
Black, Gillian; Cui, Xiaoyu; Gorovikov, Sergey; He, Feizhu; Henneberg, Grant et al. (2019). EUV Stokes reflection polarimeter using gold coated mirrors for use up to 150 eV photon energy. . 10.1117/12.2528826. QMSC, VLS-PGM Materials