Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Yue, Li; Xue, Shangjie; Li, Jiarui; Hu, Wen; Barbour, Andi et al. (2020). Distinction between pristine and disorder-perturbed charge density waves in ZrTe3. Nature Communications 11(1) . 10.1038/s41467-019-13813-y. REIXS Materials
Liu, Y.-S.; Klebanoff, L.E.; Wijeratne, P.; Cowgill, D.F.; Stavila, V. et al. (2019). Investigating possible kinetic limitations to MgB2 hydrogenation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44(59) , 31239-31256. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.09.125. REIXS Materials
Parija, Abhishek; Handy, Joseph V.; Andrews, Justin L.; Wu, Jinpeng; Wangoh, Linda et al. (2020). Metal-Insulator Transitions in β′-Cu V2O5 Mediated by Polaron Oscillation and Cation Shuttling. Matter 2(5) , 1166-1186. 10.1016/j.matt.2020.01.027. REIXS Materials
Liu, Y.-S.; Ray, K. G.; Jørgensen, M.; Mattox, T. M.; Cowgill, D. F. et al. (2020). Nanoscale Mg–B via Surfactant Ball Milling of MgB2: Morphology, Composition, and Improved Hydrogen Storage Properties. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124(39) , 21761-21771. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c05142. REIXS Materials
Li, Haifeng; Perez, Arnaud J.; Taudul, Beata; Boyko, Teak D.; Freeland, John W. et al. (2020). Elucidation of Active Oxygen Sites upon Delithiation of Li3IrO4. ACS Energy Letters 6(1) , 140-147. 10.1021/acsenergylett.0c02040. REIXS Materials
McMahon, Christopher; Achkar, A. J.; da Silva Neto, E. H.; Djianto, I.; Menard, J. et al. (2020). Orbital symmetries of charge density wave order in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6+ x . Science advances 6(45) , eaay0345. 10.1126/sciadv.aay0345. REIXS Materials
Pan, B. Y.; Xu, H. C.; Liu, Y.; Sutarto, R.; He, F. et al. (2020). Anomalous helimagnetic domain shrinkage due to the weakening of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in CrAs. Physical Review B 102(10) . 10.1103/physrevb.102.104432. REIXS Materials
Al Fattah, Md Fahim; Amin, Muhammad Ruhul; Mallmann, Mathias; Kasap, Safa; Schnick, Wolfgang et al. (2020). Electronic structure investigation of wide band gap semiconductors—Mg2PN3 and Zn2PN3: experiment and theory. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 32(40) , 405504. 10.1088/1361-648x/ab8f8a. REIXS Materials
Wang, Lichen; Yu, Biqiong; Jing, Ran; Luo, Xiangpeng; Zeng, Junbang et al. (2020). Doping-dependent phonon anomaly and charge-order phenomena in the HgBa2CuO4+δ and HgBa2CaCu2O6+δ superconductors. Physical Review B 101(22) . 10.1103/physrevb.101.220509. REIXS Materials
Murota, Kota; Pachoud, Elise; Attfield, J. Paul; Glaum, Robert; Sutarto, Ronny et al. (2020). Vanadium 3d charge and orbital states in V2OPO4 probed by x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Physical Review B 101(24) . 10.1103/physrevb.101.245106. REIXS Materials
Shin, Hyungki; Liu, Chong; Li, Fengmiao; Sutarto, Ronny; Davidson, Bruce A. et al. (2020). Controlling the electrical and magnetic ground states by doping in the complete phase diagram of titanate Eu1−xLaxTiO3 thin films. Physical Review B 101(21) . 10.1103/physrevb.101.214105. REIXS Materials
Green,, R. J.; Sutarto,, R.; He,, F.; Hepting, M.; Hawthorn,, D. G. et al. (2020). Resonant Soft X-ray Reflectometry and Diffraction Studies of Emergent Phenomena in Oxide Heterostructures. Synchrotron Radiation News 33(2) , 20-24. 10.1080/08940886.2020.1725797. REIXS Materials
Ho, Josha; de Boer, Tristan; Braun, Patrick M.; Leedahl, Brett; Manikandan, Dhamodaran et al. (2020). Origin and control of room temperature ferromagnetism in Co,Zn-doped SnO2: oxygen vacancies and their local environment. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8(14) . 10.1039/c9tc06830a. REIXS, SGM Materials
Lou, X.; Xu, H. C.; Wen, C. H. P.; Yu, T. L.; Wei, W. Z. et al. (2020). Lattice distortion and electronic structure of BaAg2As2 across its nonmagnetic phase transition. Physical Review B 101(7) . 10.1103/physrevb.101.075123. REIXS Materials
Qamar, Amir; Amin, Muhammad Ruhul; Grynko, Oleksandr; Semeniuk, Oleksii; Reznik, Alla et al. (2019). A Probe of Valence and Conduction Band Electronic Structure of Lead Oxide Films for Photodetectors. ChemPhysChem 20(24) , 3328-3335. 10.1002/cphc.201900726. REIXS, SGM Materials