Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Akhiani, Hamed; Hunt, Adrian; Cui, Xiaoyu; Moewes, Alexander; Szpunar, Jerzy et al. (2015). The electronic structure of zirconium in hydrided and oxidized states. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 622, 463-470. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.10.053. REIXS
Andrew Achkar (2015). Charge Density Wave Order in Cuprate Superconductors Studied by Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering. Ontario, Canada: University of Waterloo. . REIXS
Bauer, Robert; Bazylewski, Paul; Jadhav, Pramodkumar; Shen, Jianheng; Okinyo-Owiti, Denis Paskal et al. (2015). Characterization of metal-functionalized flax orbitide as a new candidate for light-emitting semiconductor. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 619, 012026. 10.1088/1742-6596/619/1/012026. REIXS
Bazylewski, Paul F.; Nguyen, Van Luan; Bauer, Robert P.C.; Hunt, Adrian H.; McDermott, Eamon J. G. et al. (2015). Selective Area Band Engineering of Graphene using Cobalt-Mediated Oxidation. Scientific Reports 5(1) , 15380. 10.1038/srep15380. REIXS
de Boer, Tristan; Boyko, Teak D.; Braun, Cordula; Schnick, Wolfgang; Moewes, Alexander et al. (2015). Band gap and electronic structure of MgSiN2determined using soft X-ray spectroscopy and density functional theory. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters 9(4) , 250-254. 10.1002/pssr.201510043. REIXS
Glazier, Stephen L.; Li, Jing; Zhou, Jigang; Bond, Toby; Dahn, J. R. et al. (2015). Characterization of Disordered Li(1+x)Ti2xFe(1–3x)O2 as Positive Electrode Materials in Li-Ion Batteries Using Percolation Theory. Chemistry of Materials 27(22) , 7751-7756. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b03530. REIXS
Johnson, Neil W.; Muir, David; Kurmaev, Ernst Z.; Moewes, Alexander (2015). Stability and Electronic Characteristics of Epitaxial Silicene Multilayers on Ag(111). Advanced Functional Materials 25(26) , 4083-4090. 10.1002/adfm.201501029. REIXS
Jouane, Youssef; Colis, Silviu; Schmerber, Guy; Dinia, Aziz; Bazylewski, Paul et al. (2015). Impact of sputtered ZnO interfacial layer on the S-curve in conjugated polymer/fullerene based-inverted organic solar cells. Thin Solid Films 576, 23-30. 10.1016/j.tsf.2014.12.023. REIXS
Khatir, S.; Hirose, A.; Xiao, C. (2015). Characterization of physical and biomedical properties of nitrogenated diamond-like carbon films coated on polytetrafluoroethylene substrates. Diamond and Related Materials 58, 205-213. 10.1016/j.diamond.2015.08.003. REIXS
McLeod, John A.; Pitman, Amy L.; Kurmaev, Ernst Z.; Finkelstein, Larisa D.; Zhidkov, Ivan S. et al. (2015). Linking the HOMO-LUMO gap to torsional disorder in P3HT/PCBM blends. Journal of Chemical Physics 143(22) , 224704. 10.1063/1.4936898. REIXS
Pchelkina, Z. V.; Pitman, A. L.; Moewes, A.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Tan, Teck-Yee et al. (2015). Electronic structure ofLi2RuO3studied by LDA and LDA+DMFT calculations and soft x-ray spectroscopy. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 91(11) . 10.1103/physrevb.91.115138. REIXS
Rotundu, Costel R.; Jiang, Shan; Deng, Xiaoyu; Qian, Yiting; Khan, Saeed et al. (2015). Physical properties and electronic structure of a new barium titanate suboxide Ba1+δTi13−δO12 (δ = 0.11). APL Materials 3(4) , 041517. 10.1063/1.4916991. REIXS
Shahkarami, Sepideh; Azargohar, Ramin; Dalai, Ajay K.; Soltan, Jafar (2015). Breakthrough CO 2 adsorption in bio-based activated carbons. Journal of Environmental Sciences 34, 68-76. 10.1016/j.jes.2015.03.008. REIXS
Tolhurst, Thomas M.; Schmiechen, Sebastian; Pust, Philipp; Schmidt, Peter J.; Schnick, Wolfgang et al. (2015). Electronic Structure, Bandgap, and Thermal Quenching of Sr[Mg3SiN4]:Eu2+in Comparison to Sr[LiAl3N4]:Eu2+. Advanced Optical Materials 4(4) , 584-591. 10.1002/adom.201500615. REIXS, SGM
Glazier, Stephen (2015). Investigating Disordered Positive Electrode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Li(1+x)Ti2xFe(1-3x)O2. Supervisor: Dahn, Jeff. Nova Scotia, Canada: Dalhousie University. CMCF-BM, REIXS, SXRMB Materials