Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Hunt, Adrian; McDermott, Eamon; Kurmaev, Ernst Z.; Moewes, Alexander (2015). Pronounced, Reversible, and in Situ Modification of the Electronic Structure of Graphene Oxide via Buckling below 160 K. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6(16) , 3163-3169. 10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b00921. SGM Materials
Elias, Joseph S.; Risch, Marcel; Giordano, Livia; Mansour, Azzam N.; Shao-Horn, Yang et al. (2014). Structure, Bonding, and Catalytic Activity of Monodisperse, Transition-Metal-Substituted CeO2 Nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemical Society 136(49) , 17193-17200. 10.1021/ja509214d. SGM Materials
Betar M. Gallant (2013). Fundamental Understanding and Materials Design Approaches for Lithium-Oxygen Electrochemical Energy Storage. Supervisor: Shao-Horn, Yang. MA, USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. SGM, VLS-PGM Materials
Joshua T. Wright (2013). The Effects of Dopanis on the Modification of the Conduction Band States of Cadmium Selenide Quantum Dots. Supervisor: Meulenberg, Robert W.. Maine, USA: University of Maine. . SGM Materials
BoHoon Kim (2015). Tribological Performance of Ashless Anti-wear Additives under Extreme Pressure. Supervisor: Aswath, Pranesh B. Arlington, Texas, USA: University of Texas at Arlington. . SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Mihir Patel (2011). Fundamental understanding of soot induced wear mechanism of diesel engine . Supervisor: Aswath, Pranesh B.. Arlington, TX USA: University of Texas at Arlington. SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Lyle M. Gordon (2015). Buried Organic-Inorganic Interfaces in Biological Minerals. Supervisor: Joester, Derk. Illinois, USA: Northwestern University. SGM Materials
Kaban, I.; Jóvári, P.; Escher, B.; Tran, D.T.; Svensson, G. et al. (2015). Atomic structure and formation of CuZrAl bulk metallic glasses and composites. Acta Materialia 100, 369-376. 10.1016/j.actamat.2015.08.060. HXMA, SGM Materials
Abel, Keith Alexander (2011). Synthesis and characterization of colloidal lead chalcogenide quantum dots and progress towards single photons on-demand. British Columbia, Canada: University of Victoria. SGM Materials