Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Cebe, Tugba; Ahuja, Neelam; Monte, Felipe; Awad, Kamal; Vyavhare, Kimaya et al. (2018). Novel 3D-printed methacrylated chitosan-laponite nanosilicate composite scaffolds enhance cell growth and biomineral formation in MC3T3 pre-osteoblasts. Journal of Materials Research 35(1) , 58-75. 10.1557/jmr.2018.260. SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM Agriculture
Varanasi, Venu G.; Ilyas, Azhar; Velten, Megen F.; Shah, Ami; Lanford, William A. et al. (2017). Role of Hydrogen and Nitrogen on the Surface Chemical Structure of Bioactive Amorphous Silicon Oxynitride Films. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121(38) . 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b05885. SGM, VLS-PGM Materials
Tang, Yuanhong; Wang, Zhiqiang; Wang, Dongniu; Wang, Jian; Sham, Tsun-Kong et al. (2017). Large-scale hollow nanoparticle identification by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 95(11) , 1151-1155. 10.1139/cjc-2017-0104. SGM, SM, VLS-PGM Materials
Zhang, Xinghong; Yuan, Quan; Gao, Tangling; Ren, Yang; Wu, Hui et al. (2018). Transition from antiferromagnetic ground state to robust ferrimagnetic order with Curie temperatures above 420 K in manganese-based antiperovskite-type structures. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6(48) , 13336-13344. 10.1039/c8tc04946g. SGM, SXRMB Materials
Duchesne, Paul N.; Li, Z. Y.; Deming, Christopher P.; Fung, Victor; Zhao, Xiaojing et al. (2018). Golden single-atomic-site platinum electrocatalysts. Nature Materials 17(11) . 10.1038/s41563-018-0167-5. CLS-APS, SGM, SXRMB Materials
Cebe, Tugba; Ahuja, Neelam; Monte, Felipe; Awad, Kamal; Vyavhare, Kimaya et al. (2018). Novel 3D-printed methacrylated chitosan-laponite nanosilicate composite scaffolds enhance cell growth and biomineral formation in MC3T3 pre-osteoblasts. Journal of Materials Research 35(1) , 58-75. 10.1557/jmr.2018.260. SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM Agriculture
Wang, Zhiqiang; Yang, Dongfang; Sham, Tsun-Kong (2018). Effect of oxidation state of manganese in manganese oxide thin films on their capacitance performances. Surface Science 676, 71-76. 10.1016/j.susc.2017.12.011. CLS-APS, SGM, SXRMB Materials
Jiang, Kun; Siahrostami, Samira; Zheng, Tingting; Hu, Yongfeng; Hwang, Sooyeon et al. (2018). Isolated Ni single atoms in graphene nanosheets for high-performance CO2 reduction. Energy and Environmental Science 11(4) . 10.1039/c7ee03245e. SGM, SXRMB Materials
Hoffman, Colleen L.; Nicholas, Sarah L.; Ohnemus, Daniel C.; Fitzsimmons, Jessica N.; Sherrell, Robert M. et al. (2018). Near-field iron and carbon chemistry of non-buoyant hydrothermal plume particles, Southern East Pacific Rise 15°S. Marine Chemistry 201. 10.1016/j.marchem.2018.01.011. SGM, SXRMB Environment
De Luna, Phil; Quintero-Bermudez, Rafael; Dinh, Cao-Thang; Ross, Michael B.; Bushuyev, Oleksandr S. et al. (2018). Catalyst electro-redeposition controls morphology and oxidation state for selective carbon dioxide reduction. Nature Catalysis 1(2) . 10.1038/s41929-017-0018-9. SGM, SXRMB Materials
Li, Jun; Liu, Chang-Hai; Banis, Mohammad Norouzi; Vaccarello, Daniel; Ding, Zhi-Feng et al. (2017). Revealing the Synergy of Mono/Bimetallic PdPt/TiO2 Heterostructure for Enhanced Photoresponse Performance. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121(44) , 24861-24870. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b08144. SGM, SXRMB Materials
Nie, Yuting; Wang, Zhiqiang; Wang, Jian; Bao, Feng; Zhang, Jinping et al. (2017). Synthesis and Structure-Dependent Optical Properties of ZnO Nanocomb and ZnO Nanoflag. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121(46) , 26076-26085. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b08016. SGM, SM Materials
Perera, Sahan D.; Shokatian, Sadegh; Wang, Jian; Urquhart, Stephen G. (2018). Temperature Dependence in the NEXAFS Spectra ofn-Alkanes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122(49) , 9512-9517. 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b10713. SGM, SM Materials
Lutfalla, Suzanne; Barré, Pierre; Bernard, Sylvain; Le Guillou, Corentin; Alléon, Julien et al. (2018). Multidecadal persistence of organic matter in soils: investigations at the submicrometer scale. Biogeosciences Discussions , 1401-1410. 10.5194/bg-2018-343. SGM, SM Environment
Perera, Sahan D.; Urquhart, Stephen G. (2017). Systematic Investigation of π–π Interactions in Near-Edge X-ray Fine Structure (NEXAFS) Spectroscopy of Paracyclophanes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121(26) , 4907-4913. 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b03823. SGM, SM Materials