Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Gao, Yingjie; Zhang, Shumin; Zhao, Feipeng; Wang, Jian; Zhou, Jigang et al. (2024). Fluorinated Superionic Oxychloride Solid Electrolytes for High-Voltage All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries. ACS Energy Letters 9(4) , 1735-1742. 10.1021/acsenergylett.3c02243. BXDS-WHE, HXMA, SM, SXRMB Materials
Haytham Bassyouny Abdelsalam Elsayed Eraky (2024). Ex-situ and In-situ Soft X-Ray Spectro-Microscopy Studies of Manganese Oxide Electrodes for Energy Storage Applications. Supervisor: Hitchcock, Adam P.. Ontario, Canada: McMaster University. . SGM, SM Materials
Mo, Shengkai; An, Hanwen; Liu, Qingsong; Zhu, Jiaming; Fu, Chuankai et al. (2024). Multistage bridge engineering for electrolyte and interface enables quasi-solid batteries to operate at -40°C. Energy Storage Materials 65, 103179. 10.1016/j.ensm.2024.103179. SM Materials
Ren, Liping; Zheng, Ming; Kong, Fanpeng; Yu, Zhenjiang; Sun, Nan et al. (2024). Light Enables the Cathodic Interface Reaction Reversibility in Solid‐State Lithium‐Oxygen Batteries. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 63(17) . 10.1002/anie.202319529. SM Materials
Yang, Wenjuan; Eraky, Haytham; Zhang, Chunyang; Hitchcock, Adam P.; Zhitomirsky, Igor et al. (2024). Electrochemical and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy studies of MnO2 and Mn3O4 for supercapacitor cathodes: Influence of fabrication method and electrochemical activation on charge storage. Chemical Engineering Journal 483, 149391. 10.1016/j.cej.2024.149391. SM Materials
Zhang, Weiran; Koverga, Volodymyr; Liu, Sufu; Zhou, Jigang; Wang, Jian et al. (2024). Single-phase local-high-concentration solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-metal batteries. Nature Energy . 10.1038/s41560-023-01443-0. SM Materials
Zhao, Feipeng; Zhang, Shumin; Wang, Shuo; Andrei, Carmen M.; Yuan, Hui et al. (2024). Revealing unprecedented cathode interface behavior in all-solid-state batteries with oxychloride solid electrolytes. Energy and Environmental Science . 10.1039/d4ee00750f. SM Materials
Zhu, Qingjun; Sun, Gang; Wang, Panpan; Sui, Xulei; Liu, Chang et al. (2024). Imaging the space-resolved chemical heterogeneity of degraded graphite anode through scanning transmission X-ray microscope. Journal of Power Sources 591, 233882. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233882. SGM, SM Materials