Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Muehe, E. Marie; Obst, Martin; Hitchcock, Adam; Tyliszczak, Tolek; Behrens, Sebastian et al. (2013). Fate of Cd during Microbial Fe(III) Mineral Reduction by a Novel and Cd-TolerantGeobacterSpecies. Environmental Science & Technology 47(24) , 14099-14109. 10.1021/es403365w. CLS-APS, SM
Farvid, Shokouh S.; Hegde, Manu; Hosein, Ian D.; Radovanovic, Pavle V. (2011). Electronic structure and magnetism of Mn dopants in GaN nanowires: Ensemble vs single nanowire measurements. Applied Physics Letters 99(22) , 222504. 10.1063/1.3664119. HXMA, SM
Farvid, Shokouh S.; Hegde, Manu; Radovanovic, Pavle V. (2013). Influence of the Host Lattice Electronic Structure on Dilute Magnetic Interactions in Polymorphic Cr(III)-Doped In2O3 Nanocrystals. Chemistry of Materials 25(2) , 233-244. 10.1021/cm303317t. HXMA, SM, SXRMB
Farvid, Shokouh S.; Sabergharesou, Tahereh; Hutfluss, Lisa N.; Hegde, Manu; Prouzet, Eric et al. (2014). Evidence of Charge-Transfer Ferromagnetism in Transparent Diluted Magnetic Oxide Nanocrystals: Switching the Mechanism of Magnetic Interactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society 136(21) , 7669-7679. 10.1021/ja501888a. HXMA, SM
Normandeau, J.; Van Kessel, C.; Nicholson, D.; Rahusaar Routledge, B.; Fawcett, A. et al. (2014). Spider silk protein structure analysis by FTIR and STXM spectromicroscopy techniques. Canadian Young Scientist Journal 2014(1) , 35-42. 10.13034/cysj-2014-006. MID-IR, SM
Balestrieri, M.; Gallart, M.; Ziegler, M.; Bazylewski, P.; Ferblantier, G. et al. (2014). Luminescent Properties and Energy Transfer in Pr3+ Doped and Pr3+-Yb3+ Co-doped ZnO Thin Films. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118(25) , 13775-13780. 10.1021/jp502311z. REIXS, SM
Hale, Penelope; Turgeon, Stéphane; Horny, Paula; Lewis, François; Brack, Narelle et al. (2008). X-ray Photoelectron Emission Microscopy and Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Ultrathin Fluoropolymer Coatings for Stent Applications. Langmuir 24(15) , 7897-7905. 10.1021/la8002788. SGM, SM
Leung, Bonnie O.; Brash, John L.; Hitchcock, Adam P. (2010). Characterization of Biomaterials by Soft X-Ray Spectromicroscopy. Materials 3(7) , 3911-3938. 10.3390/ma3073911. SGM, SM
Liu, Jian; Banis, Mohammad N.; Sun, Qian; Lushington, Andrew; Li, Ruying et al. (2014). Rational Design of Atomic-Layer-Deposited LiFePO4as a High-Performance Cathode for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Materials 26(37) , 6472-6477. 10.1002/adma.201401805. SGM, SM, VLS-PGM
Otero, Edwige; Kosugi, Nobuhiro; Urquhart, Stephen G. (2009). Strong double excitation and open-shell features in the near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy of ferrocene and ferrocenium compounds. Journal of Chemical Physics 131(11) , 114313. 10.1063/1.3230101. SGM, SM
(2010). Goldschmidt Abstracts 2010 – B. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(12) , A38-A134. 10.1016/j.gca.2010.04.027. SM
Aramburo, Luis R.; de Smit, Emiel; Arstad, Bjørnar; van Schooneveld, Matti M.; Sommer, Linn et al. (2012). X-ray Imaging of Zeolite Particles at the Nanoscale: Influence of Steaming on the State of Aluminum and the Methanol-To-Olefin Reaction. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 51(15) , 3616-3619. 10.1002/anie.201109026. SM
Aramburo, Luis R.; Teketel, Shewangizaw; Svelle, Stian; Bare, Simon R.; Arstad, Bjørnar et al. (2013). Interplay between nanoscale reactivity and bulk performance of H-ZSM-5 catalysts during the methanol-to-hydrocarbons reaction. Journal of Catalysis 307, 185-193. 10.1016/j.jcat.2013.07.009. SM
Arrua, R. Dario; Hitchcock, Adam P.; Hon, Wei Boon; West, Marcia; Hilder, Emily F. et al. (2014). Characterization of Polymer Monoliths Containing Embedded Nanoparticles by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM). Analytical Chemistry 86(6) , 2876-2881. 10.1021/ac403166u. SM
Bai, Lili; Liu, Jinyin; Zhao, Guanqi; Gao, Jing; Sun, Xuhui et al. (2013). Probing the electronic structure of graphene sheets with various thicknesses by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy. Applied Physics Letters 103(25) , 253110. 10.1063/1.4853915. SM