Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Chen, Xiaoqi (2015). Properties and catalytic performance of doped nano carbon materials. Supervisor: Bao, Xinhe; Pan, Xiulian. Liaoning, China: Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. . SGM, SM, SXRMB
Chunmei Chen (2013). Investigating organic matter-mineral interactions at the molecular scale: An integrated field and laboratory study. Delaware, USA: University of Delaware. . SGM, SM
Guo, XiaoXuan (2015). X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Studies of Calcium Silicate Hydrate Biomaterials in Drug Delivery. Ontario, Canada: Western University. . SGM, SM, SXRMB
Li Ma (2015). Soil Organic Nitrogen-Investigation of Soil Amino Acids and Proteinaceous Compounds. VA, USA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. . SGM, SM
Otero, Edwige (2008). Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Organic and Organometallic Molecules and Polymers. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. . SGM, SM
Alleon, Julien (2015). Impact des processus de fossilisation sur le devenir des signatures moléculaires de micro-organismes. Supervisor: Bernard, Sylvain; Robert, Francois. Paris, France: Museum National de Histoire Naturelle. . SM
Aramburo, L.R. (2012). Spatiotemporal Spectroscopy of Molecular Sieves: Interplay between Hydrothermal Treatments and the Methanol-To-Hydrocarbons Reaction. Netherlands, Utrecht: Utrecht University. . SM
Behyan, S. (2013). Development of Surface Sensitivity in Scanning  X-ray Microscopy and NEXAFS Spectroscopy of Organosulphur Compounds. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . SM, SXRMB
Cheng, C. (2014). Materials Optimization and GHz Spin Dynamics of Metallic Ferromagnetic Thin Film Heterostructures. USA, OH: Columbia University. . SM
Chen, Xiaoqi (2015). Properties and catalytic performance of doped nano carbon materials. Supervisor: Bao, Xinhe; Pan, Xiulian. Liaoning, China: Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. . SGM, SM, SXRMB
Chunmei Chen (2013). Investigating organic matter-mineral interactions at the molecular scale: An integrated field and laboratory study. Delaware, USA: University of Delaware. . SGM, SM
Depner, Sean William (2014). Synthetic Control of Crystal Structure and the Resulting Chemical and Physical Properties of Early Transition Metal Oxides and Carbides. New York, USA: State University of New York at Buffalo. . SM
de Smit, E. (2010). Iron-based Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis : new insights from in-situ (micro)spectroscopy, diffraction and theory. Utrecht University. . SM
Goode; Angela E. (2012). Correlation of electron and x-ray spectroscopies in nanoscale systems. Supervisor: Ryan, Mary; Porter, Alexandra; McComb, David. London, UK: Imperial College London. SM
Guo, XiaoXuan (2015). X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Studies of Calcium Silicate Hydrate Biomaterials in Drug Delivery. Ontario, Canada: Western University. . SGM, SM, SXRMB