Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Grochulski, Pawel; Labiuk, Shaunivan (2021). Review of health research at the Canadian Light Source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 499, 70-76. 10.1016/j.nimb.2021.05.003. BIOXAS, BMIT, CMCF, MID-IR, SM, SXRMB, VESPERS Health
Zhu, Yanfei; Li, Gaoran; Luo, Dan; Wan, Hui; Feng, Ming et al. (2021). Unsaturated coordination polymer frameworks as multifunctional sulfur reservoir for fast and durable lithium-sulfur batteries. Nano Energy 79, 105393. 10.1016/j.nanoen.2020.105393. BIOXAS-SIDE, IDEAS, SM, SXRMB Materials
Grochulski, Pawel; Labiuk, Shaunivan (2021). Review of health research at the Canadian Light Source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 499, 70-76. 10.1016/j.nimb.2021.05.003. BIOXAS, BMIT, CMCF, MID-IR, SM, SXRMB, VESPERS Health
Gao, Yingjie; Fu, Jiamin; Hu, Yang; Zhao, Feipeng; Li, Weihan et al. (2024). Reviving Cost‐Effective Organic Cathodes in Halide‐Based All‐Solid‐State Lithium Batteries. Angewandte Chemie . 10.1002/ange.202403331. BXDS-WHE, HXMA, SGM, SM, SXRMB Materials
Gao, Yingjie; Zhang, Shumin; Zhao, Feipeng; Wang, Jian; Zhou, Jigang et al. (2024). Fluorinated Superionic Oxychloride Solid Electrolytes for High-Voltage All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries. ACS Energy Letters 9(4) , 1735-1742. 10.1021/acsenergylett.3c02243. BXDS-WHE, HXMA, SM, SXRMB Materials
Sun, Gang; Yu, Fu-Da; Lu, Mi; Zhu, Qingjun; Jiang, Yunshan et al. (2022). Surface chemical heterogeneous distribution in over-lithiated Li1+xCoO2 electrodes. Nature Communications 13(1) . 10.1038/s41467-022-34161-4. BXDS-WHE, SM Materials
Zheng, Yun; Yang, Na; Gao, Rui; Li, Zhaoqiang; Dou, Haozhen et al. (2022). “Tree‐Trunk” Design for Flexible Quasi‐Solid‐State Electrolytes with Hierarchical Ion‐Channels Enabling Ultralong‐Life Lithium‐Metal Batteries. Advanced Materials 34(44) , 2203417. 10.1002/adma.202203417. BXDS-WHE, SM, SXRMB, VESPERS Materials
Abed, Jehad; Heras-Domingo, Javier; Sanspeur, Rohan Yuri; Luo, Mingchuan; Alnoush, Wajdi et al. (2024). Pourbaix Machine Learning Framework Identifies Acidic Water Oxidation Catalysts Exhibiting Suppressed Ruthenium Dissolution. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146(23) , 15740-15750. 10.1021/jacs.4c01353. CLS-APS, SM Materials
Andrews, Justin L.; De Jesus, Luis R.; Tolhurst, Thomas M.; Marley, Peter M.; Moewes, Alexander et al. (2017). Intercalation-Induced Exfoliation and Thickness-Modulated Electronic Structure of a Layered Ternary Vanadium Oxide. Chemistry of Materials 29(7) , 3285-3294. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b00597. CLS-APS, SGM, SM Materials
Korbas, Malgorzata; Lai, Barry; Vogt, Stefan; Gleber, Sophie-Charlotte; Karunakaran, Chithra et al. (2013). Methylmercury Targets Photoreceptor Outer Segments. ACS Chemical Biology 8(10) , 2256-2263. 10.1021/cb4004805. CLS-APS, SM Agriculture
Li, Weihan; Wang, Zhiqiang; Zhao, Feipeng; Li, Minsi; Gao, Xuejie et al. (2020). Phosphorene Degradation: Visualization and Quantification of Nanoscale Phase Evolution by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy. Chemistry of Materials 32(3) , 1272-1280. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b04811. CLS-APS, SM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Muehe, E. Marie; Obst, Martin; Hitchcock, Adam; Tyliszczak, Tolek; Behrens, Sebastian et al. (2013). Fate of Cd during Microbial Fe(III) Mineral Reduction by a Novel and Cd-TolerantGeobacterSpecies. Environmental Science & Technology 47(24) , 14099-14109. 10.1021/es403365w. CLS-APS, SM
West, Jonathan D.; Zhu, Yujie; Saem, Sokunthearath; Moran-Mirabal, Jose; Hitchcock, Adam P. et al. (2017). X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Spectromicroscopy of Supported Lipid Bilayers. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121(17) , 4492-4501. 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b02646. CLS-APS, SM Materials
Yang, Soo In; George, Graham N.; Lawrence, John R.; Kaminskyj, Susan G. W.; Dynes, James J. et al. (2016). Multispecies Biofilms Transform Selenium Oxyanions into Elemental Selenium Particles: Studies Using Combined Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Imaging and Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy. Environmental Science & Technology 50(19) , 10343-10350. 10.1021/acs.est.5b04529. CLS-APS, SM Materials
Grochulski, Pawel; Labiuk, Shaunivan (2021). Review of health research at the Canadian Light Source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 499, 70-76. 10.1016/j.nimb.2021.05.003. BIOXAS, BMIT, CMCF, MID-IR, SM, SXRMB, VESPERS Health