Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Masnadi, M. (2013). Kinetics and Thermodynamics of n-Alkane Thin Film Epitaxial Growth. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . SM, SXRMB
Merle Eickhoff (2013). Biomarker, trace metal and diagenesis studies with Fe-metabolizing bacteria to better understand their role on early earth. Baden-Württemberg, Germany: University of Tuebingen. SM
M.M. van Schooneveld (2013). 2p3d Resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy of cobalt compounds. Utrecht, the Netherlands: Utrecht University. SM
Muehe, Eva Marie (2013). Plant-microbe-mineral interactions in metal(loid)-contaminated environments. Baden-Württemberg, Germany: University of Tuebingen. SM
Najafi, E. (2011). X-Ray and Electron Spectromicroscopy of Carbon Nanotube Systems. Canada, ON: McMaster University. . SM
Otero, Edwige (2008). Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Organic and Organometallic Molecules and Polymers. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. . SGM, SM
Otero, Edwige (2008). Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Organic and Organometallic Molecules and Polymers. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. . SGM, SM
Pantke, Claudia (2011). Immobilization of arsenic in paddy soil by iron(II)-oxidizing bacteria. Baden-Württemberg, Germany: University of Tuebingen. . SM
Patridge, C.J. (2011). Chemically and Temperature-Induced Phase Transformations of Metal Vanadates. USA, NY: University of Buffalo. . SM