Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Haluzan, Darcy T.; Klymyshyn, David M.; Börner, Martin; Achenbach, Sven; Wells, Garth et al. (2008). Stiction issues and actuation of RF LIGA-MEMS variable capacitors. Microsystem Technologies 14(9-11) , 1709-1714. 10.1007/s00542-008-0583-6. SYLMAND
Achenbach, Sven; Klymyshyn, David; Haluzan, Darcy; Mappes, Timo; Wells, Garth et al. (2006). Fabrication of RF MEMS variable capacitors by deep X-ray lithography and electroplating. Microsystem Technologies 13(3-4) , 343-347. 10.1007/s00542-006-0213-0. SYLMAND
Achenbach, Sven; Klymyshyn, David; Mappes, Timo; Kachayev, Anton; Subramanian, Venkat et al. (2008). Submicron-scale surface acoustic wave resonators fabricated by high aspect ratio X-ray lithography and aluminum lift-off. Microsystem Technologies 14(9-11) , 1715-1719. 10.1007/s00542-007-0498-7. SYLMAND
Schaffer, Melissa Dawn (2011). High aspect ratio microstructure coupler. Supervisor: Klymyshyn, David. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. . SYLMAND
Schaffer, M. (2011). High Aspect ratio microstructure coupler. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . SYLMAND
Brian E. Bewer (2010). Development of an X-ray prism for a combined diffraction enhanced imaging and fluorescence imaging system. Supervisor: Chapman, Dean. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM, SYLMAND Materials
Rashidian, Atabak (2011). Photoresist-based polymer resonator antennas (PRAs) with lithographic fabrication and dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs) with improved performance. Supervisor: Klymyshyn, David. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. . SYLMAND
Brian E. Bewer (2010). Development of an X-ray prism for a combined diffraction enhanced imaging and fluorescence imaging system. Supervisor: Chapman, Dean. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. BMIT-BM, SYLMAND Materials