Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Cao, Chuntian; Toney, Michael F.; Sham, Tsun-Kong; Harder, Ross; Shearing, Paul R. et al. (2020). Emerging X-ray imaging technologies for energy materials. Materials Today 34, 132-147. 10.1016/j.mattod.2019.08.011. SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Cao, Chuntian; Toney, Michael F.; Sham, Tsun-Kong; Harder, Ross; Shearing, Paul R. et al. (2020). Emerging X-ray imaging technologies for energy materials. Materials Today 34, 132-147. 10.1016/j.mattod.2019.08.011. SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Colocho Hurtarte, Luis Carlos; Santana Amorim, Helen Carla; Kruse, Jens; Criginski Cezar, Julio; Klysubun, Wantana et al. (2020). A Novel Approach for the Quantification of Different Inorganic and Organic Phosphorus Compounds in Environmental Samples by P L2,3-Edge X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) Spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology 54(5) , 2812-2820. 10.1021/acs.est.9b07018. VLS-PGM Environment
Dawczyk, Joanna; Russo, Joe; Spikes, Hugh (2019). Ethoxylated Amine Friction Modifiers and ZDDP. Tribology Letters 67(4) . 10.1007/s11249-019-1221-4. VLS-PGM Environment
de Boer, Tristan; Fattah, Md. Fahim Al; Amin, Muhammad Ruhul; Ambach, Sebastian J.; Vogel, Sebastian et al. (2022). Band gap and electronic structure of defects in the ternary nitride BP3N6: experiment and theory. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10(16) , 6429-6434. 10.1039/d1tc06009k. VLS-PGM Materials
Donato, Giovanni; Grosvenor, Andrew P. (2020). Crystallization of Rare-Earth Phosphate-Borosilicate Glass Composites Synthesized by a One-Step Coprecipitation Method. Crystal Growth and Design 20(4) , 2217-2231. 10.1021/acs.cgd.9b01321. CLS-APS, VLS-PGM Materials
Donato, Giovanni; Grosvenor, Andrew P. (2020). Crystallization of Rare-Earth Phosphate-Borosilicate Glass Composites Synthesized by a One-Step Coprecipitation Method. Crystal Growth and Design 20(4) , 2217-2231. 10.1021/acs.cgd.9b01321. CLS-APS, VLS-PGM Materials
Duan, Chunyang; Zhao, Dong; Wang, Xiang; Ren, Bei; Li, Mengqi et al. (2021). Highly Textured Assembly of Engineered Si Nanowires for Artificial Synapses Model. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 3(3) , 1375-1383. 10.1021/acsaelm.1c00004. SGM, VLS-PGM Materials
Duan, Chunyang; Zhao, Dong; Wang, Xiang; Ren, Bei; Li, Mengqi et al. (2021). Highly Textured Assembly of Engineered Si Nanowires for Artificial Synapses Model. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 3(3) , 1375-1383. 10.1021/acsaelm.1c00004. SGM, VLS-PGM Materials
Dubreuil, R.; Amin, M. R.; Tot, J.; Nagorski, M.; Kadikoff, B. et al. (2022). Structure and bandgap determination of InN grown by RP-MOCVD. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33(22) , 17668-17677. 10.1007/s10854-022-08630-x. REIXS, VLS-PGM Materials
Dubreuil, R.; Amin, M. R.; Tot, J.; Nagorski, M.; Kadikoff, B. et al. (2022). Structure and bandgap determination of InN grown by RP-MOCVD. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33(22) , 17668-17677. 10.1007/s10854-022-08630-x. REIXS, VLS-PGM Materials
Fu, Yanqing; Wei, Qiliang; Zhang, Gaixia; Zhong, Yu; Moghimian, Nima et al. (2019). LiFePO4-Graphene Composites as High-Performance Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries: The Impact of Size and Morphology of Graphene. Materials 12(6) , 842. 10.3390/ma12060842. SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Fu, Yanqing; Wei, Qiliang; Zhang, Gaixia; Zhong, Yu; Moghimian, Nima et al. (2019). LiFePO4-Graphene Composites as High-Performance Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries: The Impact of Size and Morphology of Graphene. Materials 12(6) , 842. 10.3390/ma12060842. SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Jiang, Kyle S.; Hobold, Gustavo M.; Guo, Rui; Kim, Kyeong-Ho; Melemed, Aaron M. et al. (2022). Probing the Functionality of LiFSI Structural Derivatives as Additives for Li Metal Anodes. ACS Energy Letters , 3378-3385. 10.1021/acsenergylett.2c01818. VLS-PGM Materials
Jia, Ruiliu; Dai, Hongliu; Tu, Xingchao; Sun, Chuang; Sun, Shuhui et al. (2023). Hexabutylcyclohexane‐1,2,3,4,5,6‐hexaimine Additive‐Assisted Commercial Ester Electrolyte for 4.7 V Highly‐Stable Li‐Metal Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials . 10.1002/aenm.202302747. VLS-PGM Materials