Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Hernandez-Mora, A.; Duboc, O.; Lombi, E.; Bünemann, E.K.; Ylivainio, K. et al. (2024). Fertilization efficiency of thirty marketed and experimental recycled phosphorus fertilizers. Journal of Cleaner Production , 142957. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142957. SXRMB, VLS-PGM Environment
Leite, Aline do Amaral; Melo, Leônidas Carrijo Azevedo; Hurtarte, Luis Carlos Colocho; Zuin, Lucia; Piccolla, Cristiano Dela et al. (2023). Magnesium-enriched poultry manure enhances phosphorus bioavailability in biochars. Chemosphere 331, 138759. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138759. IDEAS, VLS-PGM Environment
Xu, Shuai; Hou, Xiaodong; Wang, Dongniu; Zuin, Lucia; Zhou, Jigang et al. (2022). Insights into the Effect of Heat Treatment and Carbon Coating on the Electrochemical Behaviors of SiO Anodes for Li‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 12(18) , 2200127. 10.1002/aenm.202200127. VLS-PGM Environment
Dai, Hongliu; Dong, Jing; Wu, Mingjie; Hu, Qingmin; Wang, Dongniu et al. (2021). Cobalt‐Phthalocyanine‐Derived Molecular Isolation Layer for Highly Stable Lithium Anode. Angewandte Chemie 133(36) , 20005-20012. 10.1002/ange.202106027. HXMA, VLS-PGM Environment
Santos, A C F; Vasconcelos, D N; MacDonald, M A; Sant’Anna, M M; Tenório, B N C et al. (2020). Evidence of ultrafast dissociation in the CHCl3 molecule. Journal of Physics B: Atomic. Molecular and Optical Physics 54(1) . 10.1088/1361-6455/abc9cc. VLS-PGM Environment
Vogel, Christian; Helfenstein, Julian; Massey, Michael S.; Sekine, Ryo; Kretzschmar, Ruben et al. (2021). Microspectroscopy reveals dust-derived apatite grains in acidic, highly-weathered Hawaiian soils. Geoderma 381, 114681. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114681. VLS-PGM Environment
Sellers, Diane G.; Braham, Erick J.; Villarreal, Ruben; Zhang, Baiyu; Parija, Abhishek et al. (2020). Atomic Hourglass and Thermometer Based on Diffusion of a Mobile Dopant in VO2. Journal of the American Chemical Society 142(36) . 10.1021/jacs.0c07152. VLS-PGM Environment
Kong, Fanpeng; Ren, Zhouhong; Norouzi Banis, Mohammad; Du, Lei; Zhou, Xin et al. (2020). Active and Stable Pt–Ni Alloy Octahedra Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction via Near-Surface Atomical Engineering. ACS Catalysis 10(7) . 10.1021/acscatal.9b05133. SXRMB, VLS-PGM Environment