Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Zhang, J. (2008). Research and Development of Nickel Based Catalysts for Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane,. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . SGM, VLS-PGM
Somayaji, A. (2008). A Study of the Anti-wear Behavior and Oxidation Stability of Fluorinated Zinc Dlalkyl Dithiophosphate in the Presence of Antioxidants. USA, TX: The University of Texas. . SGM, VLS-PGM
Shaw, S.A. (2008). Geochemical and Mineralogical Impacts of Sulfuric Acid on Clays between pH 5.0 and -3.0. Canada, SK: University of Saskatchewan. . VLS-PGM
Schaut, R.A. (2008). The effect of boron oxide on the composition, structure, and adsorptivity of glass surfaces. Pennsylvania State University. . VLS-PGM
Mourhatch, R. (2008). Tribological and Anti-wear Mechanisms of Fluorinated Zinc Dialkyl Dithiophosphate in Comparison to Zinc Cialklyl Dithiophosphate in Engine Oils. USA, TX: The University of Texas. . VLS-PGM
Bureau, G. (2008). Comprehension structurale des effets d'auto-irradiation alpha dans les verres: couplage entre etudes spectroscopiques et modelisation atomistique. France, ile-de-France: Universite Pierre et Marie Curie. . VLS-PGM