Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Pluvinage, Benjamin; Hehemann, Jan-Hendrik; Boraston, Alisdair B. (2013). Substrate Recognition and Hydrolysis by a Family 50 exo-β-Agarase, Aga50D, from the Marine Bacterium Saccharophagus degradans. Journal of Biological Chemistry 288(39) , 28078-28088. 10.1074/jbc.m113.491068. CMCF-ID Environment
Abbas, Yazan M.; Pichlmair, Andreas; Górna, Maria W.; Superti-Furga, Giulio; Nagar, Bhushan et al. (2013). Structural basis for viral 5′-PPP-RNA recognition by human IFIT proteins. Nature 494(7435) , 60-64. 10.1038/nature11783. CMCF-ID Health
Amador, Fernando J.; Kimlicka, Lynn; Stathopulos, Peter B.; Gasmi-Seabrook, Geneviève M.C.; MacLennan, David H. et al. (2013). Type 2 Ryanodine Receptor Domain A Contains a Unique and Dynamic α-Helix That Transitions to a β-Strand in a Mutant Linked with a Heritable Cardiomyopathy. Journal of Molecular Biology 425(21) , 4034-4046. 10.1016/j.jmb.2013.08.015. CMCF-ID Health
Bacik, John-Paul; Whitworth, Garrett E.; Stubbs, Keith A.; Vocadlo, David J.; Mark, Brian L. et al. (2012). Active Site Plasticity within the Glycoside Hydrolase NagZ Underlies a Dynamic Mechanism of Substrate Distortion. Chemistry & Biology 19(11) , 1471-1482. 10.1016/j.chembiol.2012.09.016. CMCF-ID Health
Bacik, John-Paul; Whitworth, Garrett E.; Stubbs, Keith A.; Yadav, Anuj K.; Martin, Dylan R. et al. (2011). Molecular Basis of 1,6-Anhydro Bond Cleavage and Phosphoryl Transfer by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1,6-Anhydro-N-acetylmuramic Acid Kinase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(14) , 12283-12291. 10.1074/jbc.m110.198317. CMCF-ID Health
Bains, Jasleen; Leon, Rafael; Temke, Kevin G.; Boulanger, Martin J. (2011). Elucidating the reaction mechanism of the benzoate oxidation pathway encoded aldehyde dehydrogenase fromBurkholderia xenovoransLB400. Protein Science 20(6) , 1048-1059. 10.1002/pro.639. CMCF-ID Health
Bergeron, Julien R. C.; Worrall, Liam J.; Sgourakis, Nikolaos G.; DiMaio, Frank; Pfuetzner, Richard A. et al. (2013). A Refined Model of the Prototypical Salmonella SPI-1 T3SS Basal Body Reveals the Molecular Basis for Its Assembly. PLoS Pathogens 9(4) , e1003307. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003307. CMCF-ID Health
Bie, Haiying; Yin, Jiang; He, Xu; Kermode, Allison R; Goddard-Borger, Ethan D et al. (2013). Insights into mucopolysaccharidosis I from the structure and action of α-L-iduronidase. Nature Chemical Biology 9(11) , 739-745. 10.1038/nchembio.1357. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Bie, Haiying; Yin, Jiang; He, Xu; Kermode, Allison R; Goddard-Borger, Ethan D et al. (2013). Insights into mucopolysaccharidosis I from the structure and action of α-L-iduronidase. Nature Chemical Biology 9(11) , 739-745. 10.1038/nchembio.1357. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Calmettes, Charles; Yu, Rong-hua; Silva, Leslie P.; Curran, Dave; Schriemer, David C. et al. (2011). Structural Variations within the Transferrin Binding Site on Transferrin-binding Protein B, TbpB. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(14) , 12683-12692. 10.1074/jbc.m110.206102. CMCF-ID Health
Campbell, Stephen J.; Edwards, Ross A.; Glover, J.N. Mark (2010). Comparison of the Structures and Peptide Binding Specificities of the BRCT Domains of MDC1 and BRCA1. Structure 18(2) , 167-176. 10.1016/j.str.2009.12.008. CMCF-ID Health
Cherney, Maia M.; Cherney, Leonid T.; Garen, Craig R.; James, Michael N.G. (2011). The Structures of Thermoplasma volcanium Phosphoribosyl Pyrophosphate Synthetase Bound to Ribose-5-Phosphate and ATP Analogs. Journal of Molecular Biology 413(4) , 844-856. 10.1016/j.jmb.2011.09.007. CMCF-ID Health
Cherney, Maia M.; Zhang, Yanfei; James, Michael N.G.; Weiner, Joel H. (2012). Structure–activity characterization of sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase variants. Journal of Structural Biology 178(3) , 319-328. 10.1016/j.jsb.2012.04.007. CMCF-ID Health
Coquelle, Nicolas; Green, Ruth; Glover, J. N. Mark (2011). Impact of BRCA1 BRCT Domain Missense Substitutions on Phosphopeptide Recognition. Biochemistry 50(21) , 4579-4589. 10.1021/bi2003795. CMCF-ID Health
Coquelle, Nicolas; Havali-Shahriari, Zahra; Bernstein, Nina; Green, Ruth; Glover, J. N. Mark et al. (2011). Structural basis for the phosphatase activity of polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase on single- and double-stranded DNA substrates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108(52) , 21022-21027. 10.1073/pnas.1112036108. CMCF-ID Health