Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Kerpan, Tyrel (2013). Analysis of Functional Models in Density Functional Theory : Applications to Transition Metal Oxides. Supervisor: Moewes, Alex. SK, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. REIXS, SGM Materials
Li, Rong (2013). Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic investigation of defect centres in selected borates and borosilicates. Supervisor: Pan, Yuanming. SK, Canada: Univer. HXMA, VESPERS Materials
McDermott, Eamon (2012). Study of Solid State Photocatalysts and other Energy Materials using Synchrotron Radiation. Supervisor: Moewes, Alex. SK, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. REIXS, SGM Materials
Cormier, Z. (2011). Inducing and Characterizing Structural Changes in RuO2.xH2O. Canada, ON: Dalhousie University. . CLS-APS, SXRMB Materials