Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Zhou, Chunyu; Wang, Jian; Szpunar, Jerzy A. (2014). X-ray chemical imaging and the electronic structure of a single nanoplatelet Ni/graphene composite. Chemical Communications 50(18) , 2282. 10.1039/c3cc47008c. SM, SXRMB Materials
Zhao, Fuyan; Kasrai, Masoud; Sham, Tsun-Kong; Bai, Zhimin; Zhao, Dong et al. (2014). Characterization of tribofilms derived from zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate and serpentine by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Tribology International 73, 167-176. 10.1016/j.triboint.2014.01.015. SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM
Zhang; Xiaolu Linda (2014). Structural analysis of human cardiac troponin C and myosin binding protein C. Supervisor: Paetzel, Mark. British Columbia, Canada: Simon Fraser University. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Yiu, Y. M.; Murphy, M. W.; Liu, L.; Hu, Y.; Sham, T. K. et al. (2014). Experimental and theoretical XANES of CdSxSe1−x nanostructures. AIP Conference Proceedings , 26-31. 10.1063/1.4870191. CLS-APS, SGM, SXRMB
Yao, Yali; Hu, Yongfeng; Scott, Robert W. J. (2014). Watching Iron Nanoparticles Rust: An in Situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118(38) , 22317-22324. 10.1021/jp506281d. HXMA, SGM, SXRMB
Yao, Deqiang; Zhang, Tao; He, Yao; Han, Pu; Cherney, Maia et al. (2014). A case study on the treatment of protein SIRAS data. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography 70(10) , 2686-2691. 10.1107/s1399004714017271. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Materials
Yamamura Shugen (2014). X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction study on metal-insulator transition in iridium-oxide superlattices. Supervisor: Wadati Hiroki. Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo. . REIXS, SGM
Wang, Zhiqiang; Wang, Jian; Sham, Tsun-Kong; Yang, Shaoguang (2014). Origin of luminescence from ZnO/CdS core/shell nanowire arrays. Nanoscale 6(16) , 9783. 10.1039/c4nr02231a. SGM, SM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM Materials
Wang, Dongniu; Yang, Jinli; Liu, Jian; Li, Xifei; Li, Ruying et al. (2014). Atomic layer deposited coatings to significantly stabilize anodes for Li ion batteries: effects of coating thickness and the size of anode particles. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2(7) , 2306. 10.1039/c3ta13677a. SGM, VLS-PGM
Walker, James D.S.; Hayes, John R.; Grosvenor, Andrew P. (2014). Examination of the site preference of metals in NiAl2−GaO spinel-type oxides by X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 195, 139-144. 10.1016/j.elspec.2014.06.013. CLS-APS, VLS-PGM
Singh, Anirudh K.; Pluvinage, Benjamin; Higgins, Melanie A.; Dalia, Ankur B.; Woodiga, Shireen A. et al. (2014). Unravelling the Multiple Functions of the Architecturally Intricate Streptococcus pneumoniae β-galactosidase, BgaA. PLoS Pathogens 10(9) , e1004364. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004364. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Singh, A.K.; Pluvinage, B.; Higgins, M.A.; Dalia, A.B.; Flynn, M. et al. (2014). Unravelling the multiple functions of the architecturally intricate Streptococcus pneumoniae beta-galactosidase, BgaA.. Protein Data Bank: 4cuc. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Rema, Tara; Lawrence, John R.; Dynes, James J.; Hitchcock, Adam P.; Korber, Darren R. et al. (2014). Microscopic and Spectroscopic Analyses of Chlorhexidine Tolerance in Delftia acidovorans Biofilms. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 58(10) , 5673-5686. 10.1128/aac.02984-14. MID-IR, SM Agriculture
Recht, Michael I.; Sridhar, Vandana; Badger, John; Bounaud, Pierre-Yves; Logan, Cheyenne et al. (2014). Identification and Optimization of PDE10A Inhibitors Using Fragment-Based Screening by Nanocalorimetry and X-ray Crystallography. Journal of Biomolecular Screening 19(4) , 497-507. 10.1177/1087057113516493. CMCF-ID Health
Rajendran, J. (2014). XANES and FTIR on dried and calcinied bones. USA, TX: University of Texas at Arlington. . SGM, SXRMB, VLS-PGM