Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Geng, Chenxi; Rathore, Divya; Heino, Dylan; Zhang, Ning; Hamam, Ines et al. (2021). Mechanism of Action of the Tungsten Dopant in LiNiO 2 Positive Electrode Materials. Advanced Energy Materials 12(6) , 2103067. 10.1002/aenm.202103067. IDEAS Materials
Yang, W., Lin, J., Yao, H., Pan, Y., Heredia, E., Chernikov, R., Wang, S. & Jia, Y. (2021) (2021). EXAFS study arsenic(V) adsorption on goethite and hematite. Nuclear Techniques, Vol. 44: 120101. He Jishu/Nuclear Techniques . 10.11889/j.0253-3219.2021.hjs.44.120101. BIOXAS-SPECTROSCOPY Materials