Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Zhao, Xiaoming; Yuan, Zidan; Wang, Shaofeng; Pan, Yuanming; Chen, Ning et al. (2022). Iron(II)-activated phase transformation of Cd-bearing ferrihydrite: Implications for cadmium mobility and fate under anaerobic conditions. Science of the Total Environment 848, 157719. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157719. HXMA Environment
Zhang, Zhen; Dou, Haozhen; Gao, Rui; Zhao, Qing-Yuan; Luo, Dan et al. (2022). Steering Carbon Hybridization State in Carbon-Based Metal-free Catalysts for Selective and Durable CO2 Electroreduction. ACS Catalysis 12(24) , 15218-15229. 10.1021/acscatal.2c03055. SM Materials
Yu, Ruizhi; Wang, Changhong; Duan, Hui; Jiang, Ming; Zhang, Anbang et al. (2022). Manipulating Charge‐Transfer Kinetics of Lithium‐Rich Layered Oxide Cathodes in Halide All‐Solid‐State Batteries. Advanced Materials , 2207234. 10.1002/adma.202207234. HXMA Materials
Wu, Zhiyi; Shen, Jiahui; Li, Chaoran; Zhang, Chengcheng; Feng, Kai et al. (2022). Mo2TiC2 MXene-Supported Ru Clusters for Efficient Photothermal Reverse Water–Gas Shift. ACS Nano 17(2) , 1550-1559. 10.1021/acsnano.2c10707. CLS-APS Materials
Wu, Zhen-Yu; Chen, Feng-Yang; Li, Boyang; Yu, Shen-Wei; Finfrock, Y. Zou et al. (2022). Non-iridium-based electrocatalyst for durable acidic oxygen evolution reaction in proton exchange membrane water electrolysis. Nature Materials 22(1) , 100-108. 10.1038/s41563-022-01380-5. CLS-APS Materials
Surendra Bhattarai (2022). Understanding the mechanism of salt tolerance in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Supervisor: Biligetu, Bill. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. IDEAS, MID-IR, VESPERS Agriculture
Surendra Bhattarai (2022). Understanding the mechanism of salt tolerance in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Supervisor: Biligetu, Bill. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. IDEAS, MID-IR, VESPERS Agriculture
Surendra Bhattarai (2022). Understanding the mechanism of salt tolerance in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Supervisor: Biligetu, Bill. Saskatchewan, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. IDEAS, MID-IR, VESPERS Agriculture
Sun, Gang; Yu, Fu-Da; Lu, Mi; Zhu, Qingjun; Jiang, Yunshan et al. (2022). Surface chemical heterogeneous distribution in over-lithiated Li1+xCoO2 electrodes. Nature Communications 13(1) . 10.1038/s41467-022-34161-4. BXDS-WHE, SM Materials
Sun, Gang; Yu, Fu-Da; Lu, Mi; Zhu, Qingjun; Jiang, Yunshan et al. (2022). Surface chemical heterogeneous distribution in over-lithiated Li1+xCoO2 electrodes. Nature Communications 13(1) . 10.1038/s41467-022-34161-4. BXDS-WHE, SM Materials
Slaber, Lauren; Zhao, Jianbao; Billinghurst, Brant E.; Raston, Paul L. (2022). Synchrotron-based infrared spectroscopy of the Coriolis perturbed ν6 and ν8 bands of trans-DCOOH. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 390, 111718. 10.1016/j.jms.2022.111718. FAR-IR Environment
Shin, Hyungki; Liu, Chong; Godin, Simon; Li, Fengmiao; Sutarto, Ronny et al. (2022). Highly Tunable Ferromagnetic 2D Electron Gases at Oxide Interfaces. Advanced Materials Interfaces , 2201475. 10.1002/admi.202201475. REIXS Materials
Plá, GibránSaúl Rueda; Maghami, Mahboobeh; Doan, Huu; Zhu, Ning; Abdelrasoul, Amira et al. (2022). Investigation on the morphology and the permeability of biomimetic cellulose triacetate (CTA) impregnated membranes (IM): In-situ synchrotron imaging, experimental and computational studies. Materials Chemistry and Physics 292, 126755. 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2022.126755. BMIT-ID Agriculture
Parigi, Roberta; Chen, Ning; Liu, Peng; Ptacek, Carol J.; Blowes, David W. et al. (2022). Mechanisms of Ni removal from contaminated groundwater by calcite using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and Ni isotope measurements. Journal of Hazardous Materials 440, 129679. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129679. CLS-APS, HXMA Environment
Parigi, Roberta; Chen, Ning; Liu, Peng; Ptacek, Carol J.; Blowes, David W. et al. (2022). Mechanisms of Ni removal from contaminated groundwater by calcite using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and Ni isotope measurements. Journal of Hazardous Materials 440, 129679. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129679. CLS-APS, HXMA Environment