Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Ehsani, Masoume; Zhu, Ning; Doan, Huu; Lohi, Ali; Abdelrasoul, Amira et al. (2021). In-situ synchrotron X-ray imaging of ultrasound (US)-generated bubbles: Influence of US frequency on microbubble cavitation for membrane fouling remediation. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 77, 105697. 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2021.105697. BMIT-BM Materials
Ghavami, Mehraneh; Soltan, Jafar; Chen, Ning (2021). Enhancing Catalytic Ozonation of Acetone and Toluene in Air Using MnOx/Al2O3 Catalysts at Room Temperature. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60(33) . 10.1021/acs.iecr.1c02288. HXMA Materials
Liu, Chong; Day, Ryan P.; Li, Fengmiao; Roemer, Ryan L.; Zhdanovich, Sergey et al. (2021). High-order replica bands in monolayer FeSe/SrTiO3 revealed by polarization-dependent photoemission spectroscopy. Nature Communications 12(1) . 10.1038/s41467-021-24783-5. QMSC Materials
Dragomir, Mirela; Arčon, Iztok; Dube, Paul A.; Beam, Jeremiah C.; Grosvenor, Andrew P. et al. (2021). Family of anisotropic spin glasses Ba1–xLa1+xMnO4+δ. Physical Review Materials 5(7) . 10.1103/physrevmaterials.5.074403. BXDS-WLE Materials
Marouane, Bouchra; Chen, Ning; Obst, Martin; Peiffer, Stefan (2021). Competing Sorption of Se(IV) and Se(VI) on Schwertmannite. Minerals 11(7) , 764. 10.3390/min11070764. HXMA Environment
Zhang, Shumin; Zhao, Feipeng; Wang, Shuo; Liang, Jianwen; Wang, Jian et al. (2021). Advanced High‐Voltage All‐Solid‐State Li‐Ion Batteries Enabled by a Dual‐Halogen Solid Electrolyte. Advanced Energy Materials 11(32) , 2100836. 10.1002/aenm.202100836. SGM, SM Materials
Dai, Hongliu; Dong, Jing; Wu, Mingjie; Hu, Qingmin; Wang, Dongniu et al. (2021). Cobalt‐Phthalocyanine‐Derived Molecular Isolation Layer for Highly Stable Lithium Anode. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 60(36) , 19852-19859. 10.1002/anie.202106027. HXMA, VLS-PGM Materials
Li, Jinhua; Liu, Peiyu; Tamaxia, Alima; Zhang, Heng; Liu, Yan et al. (2021). Diverse Intracellular Inclusion Types Within Magnetotactic Bacteria: Implications for Biogeochemical Cycling in Aquatic Environments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126(7) . 10.1029/2021jg006310. SM Agriculture
Yan, Bei; Wang, Jian; Liu, Jinxia (2021). STXM-XANES and computational investigations of adsorption of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances on modified clay. Water Research 201, 117371. 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117371. SM Environment
Mokoloko, Lerato L; Matsoso, Boitumelo J; Forbes, Roy P.; Barrett, Dean H.; Moreno, Beatriz D. et al. (2021). Evolution of large-area reduced graphene oxide nanosheets from carbon dots via thermal treatment. Carbon Trends 4, 100074. 10.1016/j.cartre.2021.100074. BXDS-WHE Materials
Dai, Hongliu; Dong, Jing; Wu, Mingjie; Hu, Qingmin; Wang, Dongniu et al. (2021). Cobalt‐Phthalocyanine‐Derived Molecular Isolation Layer for Highly Stable Lithium Anode. Angewandte Chemie 133(36) , 20005-20012. 10.1002/ange.202106027. HXMA, VLS-PGM Environment
Grochulski, Pawel; Labiuk, Shaunivan (2021). Review of health research at the Canadian Light Source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 499, 70-76. 10.1016/j.nimb.2021.05.003. BIOXAS, BMIT, CMCF, MID-IR, SM, SXRMB, VESPERS Health
Guldiken, Burcu; Stobbs, Jarvis; Nickerson, Michael (2021). Heat induced gelation of pulse protein networks. Food Chemistry 350, 129158. 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129158. BMIT-BM Agriculture
Yasaman Yousefi Sigari, Drew Bertwistle, Mark Boland (2021). Vertical Phase Space Measurement Progress at Canadian Light Source. Canada: University of Saskatchewan. 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-MOPAB310. Materials