Publication Beamlines Strategic Pillar
Cooper, D M L; Chapman, L D; Carter, Y; Wu, Y; Panahifar, A et al. (2012). Three dimensional mapping of strontium in bone by dual energy K-edge subtraction imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology 57(18) , 5777-5786. 10.1088/0031-9155/57/18/5777. BMIT-BM Health
Loonchanta, Anantasak (2012). Structural studies of gelsolin and binding partners. Supervisor: Burtnick, Les . British Columbia, Canada: University of British Columbia. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Strynadka, N.C.J.; King, D.T. (2012). Crystal structure of NDM-1 bound to ethylene glycol. Protein Data Bank: 4exy. CMCF-BM Health
Strynadka, N.C.J.; King, D.T. (2012). Crystal structure of NDM-1 bound to hydrolyzed methicillin. Protein Data Bank: 4ey2. CMCF-BM Health
Strynadka, N.C.J.; King, D.T. (2012). Crystal structure of NDM-1 bound to hydrolyzed meropenem. Protein Data Bank: 4eyl. CMCF-BM Health
Strynadka, N.C.J.; King, D.T. (2012). Crystal structure of NDM-1 bound to hydrolyzed benzylpenicillin. Protein Data Bank: 4eyf. CMCF-BM Health
Strynadka, N.C.J.; King, D.T. (2012). Crystal structure of NDM-1 bound to hydrolyzed oxacillin. Protein Data Bank: 4eyb. CMCF-BM Health
Frank, Filipp; Hauver, Jesse; Sonenberg, Nahum; Nagar, Bhushan (2012). ArabidopsisArgonaute MID domains use their nucleotide specificity loop to sort small RNAs. EMBO Journal 31(17) , 3588-3595. 10.1038/emboj.2012.204. [PDB: 4g0x] CMCF-BM Health
King, Dustin T.; Worrall, Liam J.; Gruninger, Robert; Strynadka, Natalie C. J. (2012). New Delhi Metallo-β-Lactamase: Structural Insights into β-Lactam Recognition and Inhibition. Journal of the American Chemical Society 134(28) , 11362-11365. 10.1021/ja303579d. [PDB: 4exy, 4ey2, 4eyb, 4eyf, 4eyl] CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
J. Michael ELLIOTT; Justin Scheer (2012). Fc VARIANTS AND METHODS FOR THEIR PRODUCTION. Patent Number: WO2012106587A1. CMCF-ID Health
Sarhan, Maen Fuad (2012). The basis for calcium regulation of the cardiac sodium channel. Supervisor: Ahern, Christopher; Van Petegem, Filip . British Columbia, Canada: University of British Columbia. CMCF-ID Health
Ukpabi, Georgia Nonye (2012). Structural basis for heme degradation in Staphylococcus aureus. Supervisor: Murphy, Michael. British Columbia, Canada: University of British Columbia. CMCF-ID Health
Loonchanta, Anantasak (2012). Structural studies of gelsolin and binding partners. Supervisor: Burtnick, Les . British Columbia, Canada: University of British Columbia. CMCF-BM, CMCF-ID Health
Yu, Angel Chia-yu (2012). Structural analysis of an enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli metalloprotease effector. Supervisor: Strynadka, Natalie. British Columbia, Canada: University of British Columbia. CMCF-ID Health
Siarheyeva, Alena; Senisterra, Guillermo; Allali-Hassani, Abdellah; Dong, Aiping; Dobrovetsky, Elena et al. (2012). An Allosteric Inhibitor of Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 3. Structure 20(8) , 1425-1435. 10.1016/j.str.2012.06.001. [PDB: 3smq] CMCF-ID Health